Once more...

Dec 07, 2004 21:14

Once more..I was placed in the hospital and strapped to a bed.


Because as of now...i'm suffering from massive migrains. It's amazing I can withstand light right now because the past Three Days ( including today) I couldn't stand the light of the T.V screen. The reason why they strapped me to the bed is because they had to shoot some stuff in me and it hurt like hell. I was trying to rip the thing that had in me out like 3 times til they strapped me down.

I never cried so much in my life. I couldn't breath or think or a while. That's how much pain I was in and all.

I'm still in the hospital. I'm just using my mom's boyfriend's laptop.

I'm happy to have the straps off of me..but very afraid that I won't be able to finish the quarter. I'm hoping they will let me go home tomorrow so I can go to class.

Well I need to go. My head really hurts.

I just wanted to fill you all in.


Happy Hanukkah
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