A rant..

Jul 23, 2006 23:29

Hello world!!

It is me!! Jessica!! 
I know you've all missed my LJ adventures.

Im sitting on a couch at Becca's house. Watching Scary Movie 2. XD

I was sitting here, minding my own business, listening to Launch.yahoo.com and one of Hilary Duff's new songs 'Beat of my Heart' came on. I stopped for a second and watched it. My mother had mentioned to me that she sang for before the fireworks on New Years and had lost alot of weight. She's gone psychotically thin.
Society keeps stressing that women need to be thin. This has gotten to everyone. Making them want to be pretty like the celebrities. Even some of the skinniest celebs thought they needed to be skinner. When they were fine the way they were. Lindsay Lohan, Mary-Kate Olsen, Jessica Simpson, and Hilary Duff just to name a few. They had NO NEED to get thinner. And then there are tons and tons of people saying that they are too fat. And then they're too thin. 
Society needs to make its mind up. You hear you need to be healthy. But people who aren't rail thin are healthy AND pretty. But then if you lose weight there is something wrong with you.

Weight loss has been a touchy subject for multiple years. Women and young girls alike are pressured to be thin to be pretty. And if you have weight on you, you aren't worth dating. Which makes people depressed. It's gotten to the point where even men are having a hard time with having some weight on their bones. If you ask me, I prefer a guy who has meat on him, and isn't skin and bones. I can specifically recall having an arguement with one of my guy friends the other day about how he thought he was fat. The kid is about 5'10" and weighs 135 lbs. Fat is no where near a definition for him. >.> He knows who he is...
There once was a time when "pleasantly plump" were considered attractive. And that if you didn't have some weight on you, or were rosey cheecked, you were unattractive.
Where did this ever change?!

How could being thin be so serious and desired in a time where more than half of America is suffering from Obesity? And then everyone is so lazy, they don't want to HAVE to work to lose the weight. They want it to come off easily, whatever the cost. Liposuction, pills, fasting. You name it, they do it. No one takes the time to walk/use their bikes. 
ON TOP OF THAT... fat women are NO longer in. And have such issues with getting a boyfriend or a man to even look at them because they have "more chins than a hong kong phone book."

All sized women and men are attractive just the way they are. And the only reason why you should change is for health reason. Diabetes, arthritis, cancer, etc.

Remember: You are beautiful whatever you may look like. Don't change for anyone else but yourself.
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