Lady Ai's Wardrobe 2018

Jan 29, 2018 15:14

This is my last year post:
Something have changed in my preferences, so...[... Let's get a look!]

Now I prefer long dresses in ivory tones and more classic prints, so I will sell everything sweet and short sooner or later =)


Nothing has changed here..

AP ~pink~ Ribbon Cocktail

Taobao - Anna's Secret - skirt in green - Hogwarts Series



~Dresses in ivory/white~

The left one is AatP - Organdy Long JSK and the right one is BTSSB - Key to Heaven ~Holy Church of the Blessed~ Palatina OP

The left one is IW - Teresa OP and the right one is TF - Marie Rose OP

The left one is AP Antoinette Decoration JSK and the right one is AP Rose Museum JSK

The left one is OP made by Little Dipper and the right one is Neon Cedar - Lily Pott's Dream JSK

The left one is Hinana - Fairy Doll OP and the right one is Lili's brand - Sleeping In Sunshine OP

~Dresses in pink~

The left one is AP Princess Tiara JSK and the right one is BTSSB Fairy Garden Trifolium JSK

The left one is BTSSB Sonnet for Juliet ~ Love potion with Romantic Irony ~ JSK and the right one is AatP - Starlit Sky Tent and the Secret Circus Troupe OP

The left one is AP - Holy Lacy Doll OP and the right one is AP - Strawberry Whip JSK

~And other dresses~

A couple mint dresses) The left one Ave Maria ~Heavenly Princess and Madonna Lily~ and the right one is BoHe Cat - Classical Painting Cityscape OP

The left one IW - Union Flag Maxi JSK in black and the right one is AATP - Swan Lake ~Ephemeral Tears~ Ballerina JSK

Thank you for attention! <3
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