Reflection 31

Nov 23, 2007 11:07

[Voice Post]

...Look, I understand that you're concerned...but I cannot stay here until then, the Drama Club has their performance tomorrow, and I have to be there.

*An older female voice then speaks; to students who have been to the Hospital Wing, they would recognize it was the nurse Madame Pomfrey's stubborn voice.*

Your Club will just have to go along without you, because you need to stay here until your ankle heals. Surely you have an understudy?

That isn't the point! This is a magic school, this should be nothing!

Yes, but you still need to rest and don't need to be straining yourself anymore than you already are.

I won't be--

You are staying here, young lady, end of story.

[/End Voice Post]

[Filtered to Mikage: very easily hackable to anyone in the Drama Club, semi-hackable to everyone else]

Mikage...I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle. As it stands, I feel fine, but Madame Pomfrey has insisted that I stay here all day today and tomorrow. I'm afraid...thanks to her insistance...that I can't perform in the show tomorrow. I'm so, so sorry.

[/Filtered to Mikage]


Damn it all. I can't believe this...of all the possible times this could happen, it had to be today, when the perfomance is tomorrow? After I worked so hard to do well in those scenes with Mytho and worked so hard on the costumes with Sengoku...I now can't even go see it? No, instead I'm stuck here in this goddamn Hospital Wing with a sprained ankle...and who knows how they'll do the show with one of the leads missing? Pique will have to jump in for me...but will she do all right?

Just when I was looking so forward to doing this with Mytho...acting with him...


...This is the worst day of my life.

((OOC: Yus, more Rue angst. She tripped over a once-again-feline-yet-forever-looking-for-Lohengrin Odile and fell down the stairs, spraining her ankle and landing her in the Hospital Wing. So yeah, she's pretty upset.

And hahahaha, yes, I just MUST take the moment to shamelessly brag about my lovely new raven mood-theme made by
sapphire_heaven. Isn't it just beautimous? 8D

::Edit:: For anyone who sees Rue's ankle, it's very badly swollen; although Rue is in pain, she won't act it because she wants to get out of the Hospital Wing and go acting-crazy with Mytho...of course, that won't happen. >:3))

fussy nurses r stooped, so worried, can't believe this, mikage, stuck here alone, sengoku, goddamn sprain, drama club, mytho, pique, odile, romeo and juliet, emo emo angst angst

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