Reflection 14

Aug 09, 2007 10:20

...I'm...sorry if I made any of you worry. I-I'm feeling more like myself again, don't...take anything I really said seriously. I...wasn't myself.

[Filtered to Chizuru]

Look, I'm...sorry I snapped at you for calling Autor a stupid git. I really wasn't myself. And...I'd appreciate it if you didn't say anything about what I told you, I...I really don't want that flying around school.

[/Filtered to Chizuru]

[Private: hard to hack]

I...I can't believe I...Autor and I...

Damn it. Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!

...I gave Autor my...under love potion...Merlin, why did this shit have to...?

I want to be angry with him...but I can't. He got me the antidote, and he stopped me from doing anything else when he realized that I...but...

...I feel so empty, so disgusting...not because of Autor, but could I be pathetic enough to...? I could be...and it would take several more days before I could find out, tests like that need to be done six to twelve days afterwards...

...Damn it...why do I have to feel so much right now...? Thinking of Mytho and Kyro always makes me feel more than I feel otherwise...but now...I'm so angry upset relieved worthless guilty conflicted.

I hate this so much...

[/Private: hard to hack]

((OOC: And so Rue's off the love potion and feeling terrible. Icon and mood are read as default and "embarrassed," but are pretty hackable. And yes, I am very amused by the thought of Rue singing her current music. *starts singing it* HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME? I'VE MADE MY MISTAKES...GOT NOWHERE TO RUN...THE NIGHT GOES ON...!! XDDD))

autor, angst, horror, guilt, kyro, mytho, love potion off, i is a hoe?!, pregnant?!, chizuru

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