May 23, 2009 22:50
So life has pretty well sucked ball hair lately. After being told that the store would stay open indefinitly, we were given a closing date for three weeks out, which was yesterday. Guess who got scheduled to close??? Great. Cue customers whining for the entirety of the day about how it's "not fair," and "this is my FAAAAAAAAVOURITE STARBUCKS, WHERE WILL I GO NOW," and "but you can't close!!!!" Not to mention my all-time favourite, say it with me folks, "I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU WERE CLOSING!!!!!"
-_- Excuse me whilest I punch you in your genitalia area. We have been telling people since JULY that we were closing. Listen to us when we speak, we are not the mindless drones you take us for. And don't tell me this is your favourite store, I've worked here for nearly the entire time we've been open and I've never seen your sorry ass. Quite honestly, I don't give a flying cupcake where you go, because our closing is nothing more than a mere inconvenience to you. It is, however, a LIFE-ALTERING PAIN IN MY ASS. This is my sole source of income, the only way I have to pay my bills. The more pertinent question is WHERE AM I GOING TO GO? WHERE WILL MY PARTNERS GO? As the last store in Jacksonville to close, those of us left here were given the shaft by The Powers That Be in Corporate Starbucks Land. There is literally NOWHERE to send us. I think we placed 3 out of 6 of our remaining partners. Maggie took severance, and Jen and I are pretty well stuck. My only option is to work at the kiosk in the Avenues Mall.
Have I mentioned lately that I HATE being a headcase? If I was "normal," this wouldn't be an issue. I could give the siren the finger and take severance. However, I am a slave to prescription medication that keeps me somewhat stable and is nowhere near affordable without insurance. Not to mention the mental health professionals I am now forced to seek out because this situation at work mixed with school has made me absolutely unable to stand myself and passively suicidal (before anyone calls me, look it up). Working the kiosk will only make this situation worse. That place is a disaster. It's badly designed, in a horrid location and has no business to speak of 9 out of 12 months of the year. Not to mention that to even find THAT poor excuse for a position, I have to take a demotion AND a paycut. And I can't look to the tipshare to help make a difference, their tips are nearly non-existent.
Needless to say, I've been looking for the last two or three weeks for a job. However, in Jacksonville, the job market for someone with a non-existent skill set is, well, non-existent. And as soon as someone reads "Starbucks" on a resume, they either assume that you will put up with epic amounts of bullshit for minuscule pay, (because that is how this company works, never buy into that "total pay" bullshit), or they toss your resume to the trash heap, because you obviously have no real skills or you would not be slinging coffee for a living.
School is pretty decent, all things considered. Even though the idiots at Sallie Mae were under the impression that I dropped out of school at the end of last quarter (wow, I wish someone had told me I dropped out O_O) and expected me to start paying them. Honestly, if I'm calling somewhere for a loan I took out IN AMERICA, for a school I'm attending IN AMERICA, I expect to speak to AN AMERICAN when I call their customer supportless line. I don't want to talk to Achmed or Rashid trying to call themselves Charlie or David. Sorry bub, you're not fooling anyone. Stop reading the cue card and get me someone who speaks actual English. We have enough unemployed Americans in this country, we don't need to outsource to Malurkadurkadurka land.
So I may not go back to school, because the economy is still so messed up that a student loan requires perfect credit and a cosigner. Considering I have neither, now I wait until after the "holiday" weekend, which apparently started yesterday, to see if this alternative loan will pay for the remaining amount I need to finish school. YAAAAAY more stress I REALLY don't need.
This rant has been brought to you by the number 1013, the letter W, and the colour clear. Yes, clear is a colour. The quartz I'm wearing is clear. STFU.