Choices & Regrets [Prologue + One]

Mar 16, 2011 23:07

Title: Choices & Regrets
Author: hime-lian92
Pairings: YunJae, JaeSu, YooMin
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama
Rating: PG
Beta: motubunu7
Warning: M-preg, uke!JaeMin
Disclaimer: The plot is 100% mine, not the characters
Summary: I made the wrong choice and I'm regretting it.
A/N: The prologue is based on third person POV. However, starting from chapter 1, the story is from Jaejoong's POV. Comments are loved ♥




Regrets were the only thing that he had now.

Why couldn’t people live without regrets in their lives? Jaejoong hated regrets. Even more, he hated himself for having regrets.

But could he ever believe that their meeting was fated? That they were meant to be together? Was it okay for him to believe that?

He made the wrong choice and he regretted it.

Time won’t turn back for him to undo his mistakes. All he could do now was move forward.

Let time make him move on, and he, with time would soon be forgiven.

But could he ever forgive himself for that mistake?



"Morning, mom. Shall I help you to take today's stuffs to aunt Song's shop?" I asked my mom as I ran down the hall, snatching a piece of cupcake from the table.

My mother smiled, "It's okay, Jaejoong-ah. I had your sisters take care of those for me." She glanced at my disappointed look and continued, "I need your help to deliver these flyers though." She pointed at the kitchen counter.

I grinned, "Of course! I'll go and distribute them at school and around the neighborhood! I'll make them like those cookies and cakes you make, mom." I exclaimed happily before running to hug my mom.

So you see, I'm my mom's favorite. I've always been the good son and followed whatever my mom asked me to. Not once did I ever regret being born in this family.

My dad died when I was only 6, so I can hardly remember anything about him except for a vague memory of him, always leaving me leftover milk from his breakfast every morning. Oh, and did I mention I was the only son and the youngest too?


"You're day dreaming!" a tap on my shoulder caught me off guard.

I looked over my shoulder and sighed. "Can you please for once, not to disturb me?"

My friend, or should I say the almighty Shim Changmin, shrugged his shoulders. "No can do, buddy. I'm your nightmare, remember?"

I scoffed bitterly, "Yeah, right." I pulled one of the flyers from my bag and handed it to him. "Buy them?"

He took the flyer from my hand and examined it closely. "You do remember that I can never say 'no' to food, right?" He said while mumbling which cakes should he chose under his breath.

Heh, of course, how could I not remember that the almighty Shim Changmin had the stomach that is as big as the universe? Oh well, I guess I'll have to make him order a lot then!

"Hey, by the way," I looked up when he called, though his eyes were still focused on the flyer. "Did you ask your mom to let you join the cooking club?"

I sighed, "Nope...." He looked up to me, as if to say something, but I beat him to it. ".....and when I said nope, I meant nope, she didn't let me join the club. She told me those club activities were only a cover-up for students to flirt around and make them neglect their studies."

I turned my head around when I heard someone calling for me, then I heard Changmin curse under his breath because I didn't give him the chance of getting another source for free food.



I turned to the source of voice and saw a panting Changmin heading my way. It was now finally time to go home. What was so important that had Changmin run his way to me in that manner?

"whattaya wan?", I asked, with mouth full of candies.

He shoved a magazine to my chest and grinned. "There's a section called 'Know&Chat' in that. Check those out, since I know you like making friends like that."

"Wow, how understanding of you." I said amazed.

He chuckled, "Well, whose best friend am I?"

That question was supposed to be a rhetorical one, but I answered him anyway. "Mine."

He smiled proudly at my answer and I had to chuckle at his stupid face.

When I arrived home, none of my family members were there, except for my mom, who was busy in the kitchen, preparing ingredients for tomorrow's batch of bakeries. After letting her know I was home, I ran to my bedroom and tossed my bag to the corner of my room.

I laid flat on my stomach on the bed, with legs hanging. I opened the 'Know&Chat' section in the magazine that Changmin gave me earlier.

'Let's see, whom should I send my letter to?' I thought to myself as I looked through, name by name, row by row. As I went through the Jung names, a certain Jung definitely did catch my attention. 'Jung Yunho', it read. I looked closely at that Jung Yunho's photo and smiled. 'He will do', I thought to myself.


A/N2: OMYGAWD! It's been a while since I wrote!! >.< I miss it so badly~ I'm so sorry for those who are waiting the continuation of my on-going chaptered stories, I haven't got the muse to continue them. This story is my comeback! Hehe. Hope you enjoyed it!

pairing: yoomin, length: chaptered, pairing: yunjae, pairing: jaesu, fanfic

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