A Little Lie To Love [THREE]

Sep 26, 2010 00:37

Title: A Little Lie To Love
Authors: hime_lian92 & flow_is_me135
Pairing: YooSu, other will come later
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Fluff
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Warnings: Mpreg, Unbetaed
Disclaimer: We own the story not the characters.
Summary: "Because I just need a little lie to love him."

A/N: Truly sorry~~ I was supposed to update this before I went away, but I forgot.. I hope everyone still remember the story T_T College is killing both of us, really. >.< Please enjoy the chapter though! Comments are loved ♥
poster by aulxdayz


“So this is the kitchen and there’s the bathroom..”

Yoochun continued showing Junsu his small but cozy apartment. Junsu walked limply and trying to keep up with Yoochun’s pace with the wall’s help. When Yoochun finally realized that Junsu wasn’t exactly behind him where he was standing now, he walked out of the room and found that Junsu had fell and having trouble standing up.

The young doctor sighed as he walked towards him and gave help to the younger boy by supporting him by the waist and hang Junsu’s arm around his neck. They walked slowly to the couch in the living room.

After helping the boy to sit on the couch, Yoochun plopped himself beside him. He turned to the younger. “Yah, you should’ve called me when you fell.”

Junsu stared at Yoochun longingly. “Would you catch me everytime I fall?”

Yoochun blinked. Somehow that question Junsu asked had another meaning behind it, but he just shrugged it off. “I will, only if you tell me and if I see you fall.” He answered.

Junsu nodded and smiled. “Okay. I’ll make sure to tell you then, songsaengnim.”

Yoochun ruffled Junsu’s hair. “That’s why you’re here. You’re here for me to take care. So don’t hesitate to tell me, okay? I’ll do my best to help you heal faster so that you can play for the final.” He smiled at Junsu.

Junsu nodded again. “Thank you, songsaengnim.” He gave his bright smile at Yoochun. Then he looked around Yoochun’s apartment. “Your apartment is really neat, Yoochun songsaengnim.”

“Ah, you think so? I had this little habit, you see. Every time I see anything that is out of place, my legs will automatically move. It was as if they want me to clean up that thing and put it to the place where they belong to.” Yoochun explained.

Junsu nodded in understanding. “I’m a bit lazy so my apartment is a bit messy. And with this leg, it was hard for me to walk around in that dump.”

Yoochun laughed. He messed up Junsu’s hair and pat the younger’s shoulder. “I can literally imagine how messy your place could be just by seeing you.”

Junsu pouted. “Yah! You’re so mean, Yoochun songsaengnim!” He raised his hand to hit Yoochun’s shoulder.

Yoochun dodged the hit and captured Junsu’s hand with his. He stared into Junsu’s brown orbs. “Hey, when it was only the two of us, call me Yoochun, okay?”

Junsu widened his eyes, surprised by Yoochun’s words. “Re-really? A-are you sure?” Junsu asked in disbelief.

Yoochun replied him with a nod. “So, do you want to take a look at your room?” He asked.

Junsu grinned. “Only if you help me, Yoochun ah!”


“You’re letting him to stay at home today?”

Yoochun nodded without turning his head to his colleague. “Yup. That way he’ll recover faster and I can have my lovely apartment back for myself.” He said as he sort out the bottles in the cabinet.

Siwon raised an eyebrow. “You don’t like living with him? It’s only been a day.”

Yoochun’s eyebrow twitched at Siwon’s statement. “Don’t like? I HATE it!” He exclaimed as he turned to the coach and took off his glasses and lifted up his bangs. “See what he did to me last night?!” He said as he pointed to the bruise on the corner of his left eye.

Siwon gasped. He took a clearer view on the bruise. “That boy did this?” He asked in disbelief.

“With his fist.” Yoochun grumbled.

It was a bit hard for Siwon to believe that the calm and composed Kim Junsu, his team captain and best player did that. He was indeed strong, there’s no argue to that, however, why did Junsu do that to his teacher?

“Why did he do that to you?” Siwon asked.

Yoochun shot Siwon a look before telling what happened last night.


Yoochun was reading a book on his bed when a knock was heard. Yoochun put his book and his glasses on the nightstand and muttered ‘come in’.

The door opened and Junsu’s head popped in. “Yoochun ah.”

“Oh, Junsu. What’s wrong? Come in.” Yoochun said as he waved his hand at Junsu gesturing him to come in.

Junsu opened the door a bit wider and let his feet brings him beside Yoochun’s bed. He stood beside Yoochun’s bed and looked down.

“What’s wrong?” Yoochun’s calm voice asked.

The soccer boy lifted his head. “My leg is hurting so much.” He pouted.

Yoochun raised a confused eyebrow. “But you’re walking fine to get here, didn’t you?” He asked.

Junsu bit his lips. “I’m scared it’ll hurt again later. I can’t sleep, Yoochun ah.” He said with an edgy tone.

Seeing his student pitiful state, Yoochun, as the teacher and the older among both of them, took a pity on him. He patted the space beside him. “Do you want to sleep here, then?”

Junsu’s eyes sparkled at the offer. “Can I?” He asked, grinning.

Yoochun chuckled. “It’ll be easier for me to help you if your leg is hurting again.” He said as he moved a bit to give more space for the boy.

Junsu could almost jump in happiness if only not because of his sprained ankle. Slowly, he lifted the blanket and sat on the edge of the bed. With a thumping heart, he tried to lift his leg.

He swore his heart could almost jump out of its ribcage when he felt Yoochun’s warm breath beside his ear. “Yah, you should move a little bit to the centre. You don’t want to fall, right?” He said as he pulled Junsu beside him.

Without warning, Junsu turned and landed his fist on Yoochun’s face.

-End of flashback-

“And that’s how I got this bruise. I swear I will never let that boy to sleep on my bed again.” Yoochun said finishing off his story.

Siwon smirk slyly. “Heh, so you’re actually letting the boy to sleep on your bed, huh? What a great improvement!”

Yoochun raised an eyebrow. “What the hell are you talking about?” He asked as he put on his glasses back and covered his left eye with his long bangs.

Siwon smiled knowingly. “Just pretend that I didn’t say anything.” He said as he is ready to leave the poor man alone. “Anyway, do you know that Kim Junsu is a horrible cook?”

When Yoochun was about to ask him what does he mean by that, he already went out the door and laughed along the corridor.


“Yah! You better tell me EVERYTHING, because I didn’t go to school today and skipped my club activity because of you, Su!” Kim Jaejoong yelled to his best friend with his hands on his hips.

Junsu glanced at Jaejoong before resuming putting all of the things that he needed to the shopping cart. “Okay.” Then he turned at Jaejoong showing a red fresh tomato and a red but ripe tomato. “Which one is better?”

Jaejoong sighed. He took the plastic from Junsu’s hand and picked the fresh tomato himself. Ever since he knew Junsu, the latter had never entered the kitchen, moreover shopping for groceries. He walked away to weight the tomatoes before returning back to Junsu who was leaning against the cart.

“Done?” Jaejoong asked as he put the tomatoes inside the cart and pushed it slowly.

Junsu nodded. “Sure. Let’s head to the cashier and pay.”

After they paid for all of the things, they head back to Yoochun’s apartment. Having not familiar with the place, Jaejoong raised an eyebrow and pulled Junsu’s sleeved lightly. He whispered into Junsu’s ear. “Su, where are we? Whose apartment is this?”

Junsu chuckled. They walked into elevator and let the machine bring them to level 16. “This is where I live for now.”

“What’s wrong with your old apartment?” Jaejoong asked.

Junsu shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong. This,” He pointed to his injured leg. “is the problem.”

Jaejoong stared at Junsu’s leg and found it bandaged. “What’s with this wrapped up thing?”

“Sprained ankle, that’s what.”

Jaejoong gave Junsu a look. “So? What’s the big deal? It’s just a sprained ankle. Why did you have to move to this,” He glanced at the surrounding. “Crappy little apartment?”

Junsu turned at Jaejoong. “Yah, don’t say that! I don’t need your comment about this apartment.” The elevator’s door opened and both of them walked out of it. Jaejoong carried the shopping bags while Junsu held Jaejoong’s bag and fished out a set of keys from his pocket. He stopped in front of a door and unlocked the door.

Jaejoong followed Junsu inside to the kitchen and put the bags on the counter. “Su, whose apartment is this?” He asked again.

Junsu started to taking out the things that he bought and placed them on the counter. He washed the fruits and vegetables. “Yoochun songsaengnim’s house.” He answered simply.

Jaejoong dropped the carrot in his hand and gaped. “Y-Yoochun songsaeng-You mean Park Yoochun songsaengnim?!”

Junsu turned off the water tap and nodded at Jaejoong. “Yup. Park Yoochun songsaengnim’s house.”

“Oh my god! You live with Park songsaengnim now, Su?” Jaejoong asked.

Junsu smiled. “Yup. And it was all my coach’s idea. So don’t say it was me who wanted this, okay?” He grinned.

Jaejoong slapped his forehead lightly. “You should’ve told me. I mean, you can live with me, you know.” He said as he take the carrot on the floor and wash it. After that he took a seat.

“I know. But coach needs me for the final and I need to heal faster. Coach said that it was best for me to live with songsaengnim since he is a doctor.” Junsu said, joining to sit beside his best friend.

Jaejoong put his hand on top of Junsu’s and sighed. “If by living with songsaengnim can help you heal faster, then I have no objection. As long as you’ll be alright.” He smiled at Junsu.

Junsu nodded and smiled back at Jaejoong. “Thanks, Jae.” But then his smile turned into a frown. “But he’s a bit mad at me.”

“Mad at you? Why is that?” Jaejoong curiously asked. As long as he knows his Park Songsaengnim, he never gets angry at anyone.

Junsu bit his lips. “I punched him on the face.” He whispered, but Jaejoong’s ears were keen enough to hear it.

“What?!” Jaejoong exclaimed.

“I didn’t do it on purpose!” Junsu reasoned as he bit his lips.

Jaejoong pat Junsu’s back and sighed. “Okay, I understand. Now you want him to forgive you right?” Only to be answered by Junsu’s weak nod. “Do you know that you can get his heart through his stomach?”

Junsu titled his head in confusion. “How do you get his heart through his stomach?”

Jaejoong chuckled. “Aish, you have a mind of 10 years old, Su!” He said, earning a pinch on his thigh. “What I mean is, you can win his heart by cooking him a meal!”

Junsu’s eyes sparkled. “Really?”

The beautiful man nodded. “Now, what do you want to cook today?” Jaejoong asked.

Junsu grinned. “Something special!”


Yoochun really didn’t expect to smell such a delicious and appealing smell coming from the kitchen as soon as he opens the door when he got home. After he put his folder down on the table in the living room, he hurriedly walked to the kitchen and found delicious looking food on the table ready to be eaten. He widened his eyes as he couldn’t believe what he saw.

“Do you like it, Yoochun ah?”

Yoochun turned slowly to small and soft voice’s owner. He noticed that Junsu’s voice was shaking and his body tremble with fear. He smiled inwardly.

“Did you make this?” Yoochun said in monotone.

Junsu nodded weakly. He was too scared to even look up.

“I asked you again. Did you really make this?” Yoochun repeated, emphasizing on the word ‘really’.

Junsu couldn’t help but shook his head, though he tried to defend himself by saying, “But I did half of it!”

Yoochun surprised Junsu by a chuckle. Junsu stared at his teacher as if he had grown a third eye. Yoochun stepped forward carefully and stopped in front of Junsu. “I just want you to answer me honestly, Su-ah.”

Junsu’s only response was, “What?”

“I said that I only need-”

“Not that! What did you call me?” Junsu asked, lifting his bangs to get a better look at his songsaengnim’s face.

“Uh, what did I call you? I called you Junsu didn’t I?” Yoochun said, nervously. He glanced around the kitchen and tried to change the topic. “Hey, let’s eat! I’m hungry, you know!”

Junsu quickly stop Yoochun by pulling his jacket’s hem. “Please call me that again, Yoochun ah.” He said as he glanced up at Yoochun’s shocked face.

Yoochun only nodded and pulled Junsu and helped him to sit in the dining chair, opposite of his. “Let’s eat, okay?”

Junsu smiled sweetly at Yoochun and nodded. “Okay, Yoochun ah.”


alltl, pairing: yoosu, fanfic

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