(no subject)

May 26, 2013 01:56

Working on the next TPATD chapter because OMG it's been ages since we've seen that fic updated. Good news? I'm in need of roughly 2000 words and then we'll have another chapter. I'm only sorry it's taking so long to get up - a drawback to two jobs, I suppose, is the inability to have focusing power on FanFiction. Part of my problem is a familiar adversary called "phrasing what's in my mind and putting it onto paper". It's times like this where I wish I had some sort of dictating tech, because there are days I speak better than I type...maybe I should look into some. I've heard DragonSpeak is a very good program from a couple PT's I work with, so I might go that route...I dunno, though. Opinions?

I also owe more than one review. Having a busy work schedule doesn't allow much time for me to review or even be on a computer for long and I am pretty sure I'm behind in reviews. Drop me a message if I still owe reviews for fics; I know I owe a couple for Amilya's "Coming Undone", as well as "Wild Swans of Domino" for Trix, but beyond that...*helpless shrug*

Oh! And in other news the ever wonderful Sireinita (aka Pidgy) was kind enough to humor a couple commission requests from me, so I come proudly showing off pretties she gave me. We have adorable Gentle and Fortuit cheebs under the cut, haha; I adore Sireinita's art style and the chibis are SOOOOOO adorable. Thanks again, Pidgy!

And now I'm scurrying back to my little corner of the world, because otherwise we'll never see any new updates from me and that's not good, hahasob; I'm late enough as it is. Again, if I owe reviews for fics PLEASE let me know - I don't want to fall any further behind in reviews/updates then I already have :)

fanfiction, pairing: gentleshipping, pairing: fortuitshipping, misc: ygo

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