Random App

Aug 03, 2006 08:23

Please complete the following information OOC.
Name (or handle): Chi
E-mail address: lady[dot]raito[at]gmail[dot]com
Messaging service(s): AIM: zutsumi; MSN: ladyravenclaw[at]hotmail[dot]com
Time zone / Availability: Arizona (Currently in Pacific) / Most nights free, although weekdays tend to work better than weekends.
RP Experience: Tachibana An @ cracked_puri, Sohma Shigure @ fruitsinabasket, Saeki Koujirou @ pot_cia

Please complete the following information IC.
Name: Tezuka Kunimitsu
Age: 25

Highest level of education completed: I am currently working on a masters degree in sociology and criminal behavior at Tokyo University.

Current occupation: Graduate student.

Marital/dating status: Single. And not looking.

What are some of your hobbies and/or interests outside of work?
Hiking, fishing, and mountain climbing are my main passions besides tennis hobbies, although I do read the occasional mystery series. Nero Wolfe and Hercule Poirot are my current favori Occasionally, I play a bit of tennis as long as my grandfather does not find out... when my shoulder permits me to when it does not interfere with my studies.

Why do you think you should be selected for participation on 'Second Set'?
It would make excellent research for my thesi I'd make the trouble makers run lap I am an easy person to get along with and tend to thrive in challenging situations. The hard work and effort put into the thrill of competitions only adds to the satisfaction of a job well done in the end.

Is there anything else we should know about you?
I have an old shoulder injury that aches on rainy days. However, it does not hamper me much and I still retain full use of it otherwise. I am also an early riser and a very light sleeper. An equally quiet roommate would be appreciated, should I be accepted.

Sample Tag: Assume your character is accepted. Please write a short third-person narrative describing their arrival at the house.
The car was clean, and the ride to the house had been pleasant so far. It was slightly baffling how he had managed to get picked for such a show, but Tezuka was not about to question their judgment. He had, after all, sent in the application with the intent of joining the show. It had started out as a change of pace from the dreary studies and strict expectations he was facing in his final year of school, and he had found himself strangely looking forward to breaking his regular routine.

That alone probably should have worried him, but the bespectacled man found himself filing that particular thought away in the back of his mind. The experience alone would help his thesis on social behavior in close quarters, and he had appropriately brought enough materials to properly journal everything. The ghost of a smile appeared on normally stern lips. Who would have thought that he would have ended up following in Inui's footsteps? Memories of toxic juices straightened his spine as the house came into view. At least he would not have to worry about such things here. Right?

Additional Info:
How has your character changed in appearance since the series? Tezuka ages? What? He looks much the same as in the anime, although he has added a few inches to his height. He also has a pair of contacts that he uses on occasion if he does not feel like wearing his glasses.

Do you have any roommate preferences for your character? None at the moment. ♥

Miscellaneous Information: Tezuka was forced to give up his pursuit of a professional tennis career in his second year of high school after a long discussion (read: violent argument) with his grandfather. His family comes from a very long line of policemen and as the eldest son, Tezuka is expected to continue the tradition. Yet another injury to his left shoulder (this one caused inadvertently by his grandfather) sealed the tennis captain's fate in his third year, and he finally agreed to his grandfather's terms. He was allowed to continue playing tennis while he remains in school, so long as he remains at the top of his class. This may or may not be the reason why Tezuka has continued his schooling beyond what would be necessary to enter the police academy. The subject is still very raw for him, and he will go to great lengths to cover it up.

app, temporary

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