Title: And a Partridge in a Pear Tree (1/10)
Author: himawarixxsandz
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: DooSeob, mentions of JoonHo, JunSeung, KiWoon, others
Summary: Twelve days are a long time
A/N: Well now. You guys must all be happy when I tell you that it's not going to be a one-shot, or a two-shot, or even a three-shot. It'll probably end up being a six-ish-
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Comments 41
lol Doojoon you are so e a s y. lolol.
LOL, Doojoon XD
TT.TT your point
Me:5 You:5
We're tied >:[
I swear, Doojoon and Yoseob just naturally gravitate towards each other, even though your head is supposed to be against the window if you take the window seat. Of course Doojoon isn't normal, otherwise they wouldn't be together ( ... )
PFFT hot stewardess clearly < Yang Yoseob
0______0 omfg, definitely not. With anime/manga fanfic, I've already had that terrible experience of starting too much and not finishing, which is why the deleted scenes are like tiny drabbles and before this 345435-shot (which, after I found that there IS a plot buried in there, is probably not going to be as long as I first thought it would be. I estimate probably just three or four shots now, and not very long ones at that) the only project I have going is WFLT.
Which is also why I thought this DooSeob thing would be harmless and maybe even good because I haven't done anything drabble-y in a while, and it was all WFLT-multi-chap stuff for the past few months so yeah ^-^
I'm getting the next five points, you will see >:[
Yoseob is totally spoiled lol
And I think that Doojoon may lose this one lol
But idk cause Doojoon may win lol
LOL, Doojoon's dignity is never really around when Yoseob is
Kay. Will read and comment later ^_^
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