Jan 11, 2013 20:57
i know i haven't updated in who knows how long so im just saying rn that i probably won't be posting anything for who knows how long even longer bc midterms next week and then im getting chucked into the heat of 2nd semester right away so things prob won't settle down for like another 2 months sO YEAH oh yeah and of course there's superdance so yeah definitely i will be doing my famous vanishing act for 2 months not that i've been visible anyway for the past. like. what. 2 weeks or so? yeah. it's 'cause of midterms. or at least that's my best excuse so that's the excuse everyone's getting.
idk i think i'll maybe pop my head in sometimes with an exo thingy but don't expect oceans or anything else major to be updated until superdance is over AND SOMEONE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME WHY I EVEN WENT ONTO AN SD COMMITTEE WHY DID I DO THAT TO MYSELF OH DEAR JESUS WHY FJDSLKAG; SO MUCH REGRET