Title: The Troublemakers I (Background story of Thirteen Series)
Author: himawarixxsandz
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): ZiKyung
Summary: They've always been told
A/N: weLL HELLO AND no nothing has changed college apps still killing me more last minute exams more sobbing over block b bc match up season 2 is like jfsileajgaoifjdesa and yeAHFSLEI okay timeline-
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Comments 5
LOL AT THEM. Apart for 10 years and both end up doing con, hired by the same guy on the same job. If it's not FATE I don't know what it is. I laughed so much when they both thought they had fooled each other and could safely head to the sixth floor and hack the computer.
I'm so, so, so, so in love with Yukwon right now. I feel like he's gonna be my favourite character - along with B-Bomb because out of all these guys who get thrilled by danger, he seems like the most foolish (probably because his life was so boring before), Yongguk because it's Yongguk and he was in fucking jail and is the boss, the best, the magician and Zelo because from the glimpse I've had I expect a lot from him. And Himchan who holds people in his hands too, a bit like U-kwon. How do they meet ? I want to know. But Yukwon is magic. This brings another dimension at what whe know from the actors because I knew he was sexy, shameless, ( ... )
what a pair of derps, i love them
that momentary joy, then the 'OH FUCK' moment was pulled off perfectly
yookwon, stop scaring the children :|
thank you so much for sharing <3
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