Fucking pissed off, yet again

Jul 29, 2011 21:42

LJ's back on, obviously, because I'm posting this without pulling my hair out and stabbing myself in the eye. But apparently, with long posts and image-heavy stuff, people are still getting the error 500 and obviously, most of what I write would fit into the "long posts" category. So until LJ gets all of its shit back together and it'll let me post my fics, I'm putting everything up on wordpress just as a backup. Once LJ is back on, I'll be back to using LJ like normal, even though right now I"m just so fucking angry that if LJ was a person, I would literally omfg. Just. kflja;jfdlsfjs ugh. So. Fucking Angry.

I know it's going through technical issues, I know people are trying to fix it, but right now I'm angry and that's that. End of story. Go read. Or something. I don't even know.

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