Terms of use:
You may recolour, pull apart, Frankenstein, boil, laugh at or eat any of my creations. Credit is not required, but is appreciated. Don't be shy to share a link to your creations - chances are I'll download them and flaunt them to the world. Please keep other people's TOU in mind if I used their textures or mesh parts. Happy simming!
(Un)Pleasantview Character Stats /
(Un)Pleasantivew Teasers & World building (Un)Pleasantview Index
Chapter 1:
FamilyLife in Pleasantview just got a bit more interesting.
Snippet I:
Sanctuary"Thank you, Jon."
Chapter 2:
Friends"Making friends with people your own size?"
Interlude I:
Time"Time is the longest distance between two place."
Chapter 3 Part I:
Fire"Has Death come to snatch my wretched soul?"
Interlude II:
Macbeth's Letter"Were you happy?"
Chapter 3 Part II:
Shadows"Your daughters are here."
Chapter 4:
Mirrors“How many centuries has it been since you last walked this domain of mine, Death?”
Snippet II:
Cake"One tiny little crumb missing and I will skin you alive!"
Chapter 5:
Curses"Oh dear, which poor sod was it this time?"
Chapter 6:
Blood"Lady Elvira will be pleased."
The Crypt Index
Prologue"What are you doing here?"
The Chosen Index
Veronaville, 1582 Part I"You have been chosen."
Veronaville, 1582 Part II"You may call me Lolita."
SimCity, 1959 Part I"Yes, my mysterious woman?"
Strangetown, 1985 Part I"Nothing was worthy of a trade in the eyes of Death."
Strangetown, 1985 Part II"I wasn't talking about your life."
Strangetown, 1985 Part III"I am also the father of vampires, creator of mummies, zombies and poisonous Pina Coladas, but I don't think she needs to know that."
Seasonal Photoshoots
Christmas 2013:
Ho Ho Ho - Merry Christmas!