Survey says...

Jun 21, 2007 17:11

1. Where did your last kiss take place?
Honestly, it’s too long ago and it depresses me to think about it. Because it SHOULD have been on May 19. But it was not. Boo.

2. Who knows a secret or two about you?
Um, my sister is probably the only person who knows any real secret about me. Everyone else is privy to most of my secrets.

3. Four words to explain why you last threw up?
I got very drunk.

4. Have you ever burned yourself?
Yah. Minor.

5. What's crazy to you?
That I have not had a boyfriend since 2001. Holy fuck. Wait, crazy? I meant depressing.

6. Favorite cuss word:

7. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
Who the fuck knows? Everyone?

8. Who is your hero?
My mommy!

9. Would you ever want to be a supermodel?
On rare occasions, I wonder what it’s like to be that beautiful and skinny and have people amazed by your looks. Then, I eat a cookie.

10. Who is the most experimental person you know?

11. Do you tell white lies?
I’m not a good liar. The truth is more painful anyway.

12. When is your next party?
Uh…I might go to a new friend’s place for a party. Otherwise, fuck, my life is a fucking party. Bitches.

13. Who do you want to be with right now?
DS. (How do you do a sheepish grin emoticon?)

14. Do you scratch when and where you want to scratch?
Uh, yah.

15. How do you handle a break up?
I go out with friends and drink. And laugh.

16. Your motivation for tomorrow?
It’s Friday and I have no cases in the morning.

17. Do you know what you will wear tomorrow?
No. But now you’ve got me thinking, survey. Variations on the theme of black?

18. Last person to make you laugh?
JT referencing The Office. Fucking love that show.

19. Last thing you ate?
Chocolate chip cookie. Mmmmmm.

20. Do u ever go a few days without changing your underwear?
No. Wait, let me check. No.

21. Have you ever accidentally eaten an insect?

22. Do daddy long legs freak you out?

23. Have you ever cleaned up someone else's vomit?
Unfortunately, more than once. My brother threw up in my bathroom SINK on my 16th birthday. (He was 15 and got wasted on SCOTCH). The sink got clogged and we had to clean it because he was passed out. And then on my 19th birthday, this girl projectile vomited all over my suite’s bathroom. Holy god, why am I always cleaning up other people’s puke on MY birthday!?

24. Have you ever dropped food on the floor and eaten it?

25. Do you kiss your pets on the mouth?
No pets. And I don’t actively do that, but sometimes dogs try to kiss my mouth. It’s grossss.

26. Do you talk baby talk?
GOD NO. Oh my god, I LOATHE baby talk and for some reason, god has punished me by making my sister and her bf baby talk ALL THE TIME in front of me. I’ve tried to tell them to stop and when they say they don’t do it in public, I try to tell them: “TREAT ME LIKE I AM PUBLIC!” But they don’t.

27. What serial killer do you find most disturbing?
In real life: Dr. Holmes from Devil in the White City. Because he killed so many freaking people. In fiction (I HOPE!): Samara from The Ring. Doesn’t she count as a serial killer?

28. Do you watch court tv?
No, I watch real court.

29. Would you ever work in a retirement home?

30. Do you believe plants have feelings?

31. Do you laugh at people with "bowl" haircuts?
Only if they are children. And it’s enough to make them cry.

32. Do you have nervous twitches?
I dunno. Sometimes my eye twitches, but that’s from eye strain, not from nervousness.

33. Are you ever purposely irritating?

34. If you could fly, where would you go first?

35. Do you prefer boats or planes?

36. Love or lust?
I’ve had too much lust. Maybe love for once.

37. One best friend or 10 aquaintances?
10 best friends!

38. Favorite food?
I like food. A lot.

39. Do you believe that your first love never dies?
I wish it weren’t the case, but it kind of is. Thankfully, I was my first love’s second love. And he’s moved on to his third love, who might be his final love. So while my first love never really died, he’s completely over me. Fun! (In reality, I am also over him, I just don’t that love will every completely go away…)

40. What upcoming event are you waiting and ready for?
The loss of my virginity. I just need to get the flux capacitor ready.

41. Current smell?

42. Do you get your nails done?
For the billion weddings I got to go to…

43. Most favorite person?
A lot of people.

44. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonald's?
I think it was a chocolate milk shake. It brings the boys to the yard.

45. Are you an emotional person?
Not usually.

46. Do you like your name?

47. Do you have plans this weekend?

48. Do you work?
Yes. But I’m over it.

49. Do you dance naked in your room?
All the time. No better way to air dry.

50. When did your last relationship end?
See the answer to Question #5.

51. What are you listening to right now?
My boss walking around.

52. Biggest fears?
That my boss will stop and talk to me in my office.

53. How long have you been a part of LJ?
I forget. But I’ve been away for 7 months.

54. Favorite place to be?
In bed.

55. What are you wearing right now?
Suit jacket and pants with a black tank top. Professional!

56. Are your toes painted?
Yes, but need to be redone.

57. Does anyone hate you?
I’m sure.

58. How many people do you trust fully?
Not anyone.

59. Did you have fun doing this?
Wasting time is always fun. (I second Barbarella’s answer).
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