
Sep 18, 2006 16:35

Okay, so my weekend was so damn awesome.

Friday: Great America was great - except for the traffic-y trip over there in a crowded van. But I had a blast, SS had a blast, the rides were awesome, the weather was great. All together, sweet trip. Did have that uncomfortable (but hardly) situation where there was a single guy there (AT's friend) and because we're both single, I could sense AT's encouragement of a budding thing. Unfortunately, I found the guy annoying. Nice enough - funny on occasion, but mostly annoying. But I could still tell we were being "paired up." So the guy's idea of communication is being obnoxious and purposely misunderstanding what people are saying. Hate everything about that - so I got annoyed with him. AT made some comments about us fighting - like it meant something more - we were fighting, it must mean we like each other. When in fact, I actually just found him annoying. People are ALWAYS doing such things though. Any single boy - it's like it has to be something more. RS does it all the time - most recently with AC, but even before. I can see her giving me looks and it's frustrating. Like today at BG - when I was talking to him in line, RS was smirking at me like she thought I was flirting. JT - can you back me up? Have you seen flirting on either of our parts? You were there in line, in the same conversation. So RS smirks and I can't do anything about it except feel uncomfortable having any kind of conversation with a single boy in front of her. It's become much worse on her part ever since she decided that there was something to her suspicion.

Anyway....changing the subject to something way more awesome: Bears game. Wow, how fucking awesome was yesterday? The weather was FANTASTIC. Then, we did the whole tailgating thing - my dad was so awesome. Drinking beers at 10 AM with my dad? So weird. But great. And the game....oh my god...the game was fantastic! The Bears played so damn well - just everything about that game - the only crappy part was when the Lions scored and I was in the bathroom when that happened so I missed it! So I saw nothing bad. All awesome. This season better kick ass. They better play this well every week. Or I will cry. It's either WINNING the Superbowl or not making playoffs. No fucking in between!

Okay, I'm sure no one is interested in my football excitement. But I don't care. The Bears are awesome!

In other news, I am starting my Spanish classes again on Wednesday. Beginning 4. I got to use my "skills" today - I didn't do a horrible job. Had to talk to one client in person, listen to a message, speak to one client on the phone and deal with a lady who came in with a question. I hope I did okay...I think I did it all right. RS was praising me for spending so much money on classes just in order to help people. I explained to her that I'm not that selfless - learning Spanish makes me so much more marketable - when the time comes, people will more likely hire me if I can speak Spanish, even conversationally. So...that's an extra goal - in ADDITION to just wanting to help people.

I think I'm gonna leave soon. Even though RS and JT are still here I think. I have all this paperwork to do, but I honestly don't feel like doing it. I won my hearing today and as soon as I came back from court, I was done for the day. Couldn't bring myself to do any more work. I think I'm getting sick. I think it's KC's fault since he IS sick. Yuck. So I think I'll finish reading the House recap on TWoP and then go home. Laters...
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