Title: I'm Just Enabling You
fujiidom / maura
Team: The Geeks
Word Count: 100
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Characters/Pairings: Sheldon/Penny, Everybody
Rating/Warnings: K+
Author's Notes: Silly and light. Sheldon updates his X-Files DVDs with the full series set.
When Agent Scully calls out for Agent Mulder: Drink.
Sheldon sips his Diet Coke, frowning. They were collectively ruining New DVD Night.
Suddenly, she’s squeezing and gripping at his right knee for fifty-two paralyzing seconds. Her close laughter makes the back of his neck burn.
His roommate’s ineffectual attempts at transferring the liquor from the glass to his mouth finally cease and her arm pulls back.
Scully draws her weapon, yelling for her partner around a dark, foreboding corner.
He distractedly reiterates the rules. Her hand remains still, this time.
He gets blamed for Leonard’s crippling hang-over the next morning.