Title: Curses, Foiled Again
cageyklioTeam: The Geeks
Word Count: 100
Fandom: TBBT
Characters/Pairings: Sheldon/Penny
Rating/Warnings: PG
Author's Notes: I seem incapable of avoiding fluff.
Sheldon organized a list of chores. Penny conveniently forgot every third one.
Sheldon planned a nutritious meal. Penny made yellow cake with buttercream icing and put on tiny Star Wars decorations she ordered online.
Sheldon did the laundry. Penny bought more lacy underwear because it confounded his efforts to fold it into neat triangles.
Sheldon pointed out that "cleaning" was not a dirty word. Penny scrawled a filthy haiku on the shower wall with scrubbing bubbles.
Sheldon bought Penny her own blanket because she insisted on kicking theirs off. Penny blanketed his body with hers.
Sheldon didn't mind. Penny knew.