Title: I <3 Things
Author: Melly of the Wingmen
Rating: PG
Pairing: Penny/Sheldon, Big Bang Theory
Prompt: E-mail
Words: 4 drabbles, 100 words each. Total: 400
A/N: First BBT one! Yay! Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m considering e-mail as any electronic communication….so, here you go.
QueenP: Hi Sheldon!
Sheldon.Cooper: Penny, why are you g-mailing me at work?
QueenP: I know there’s some movie premiering 2morrow that u + Leonard have been talking about all week
Sheldon.Cooper: If you are referring to Watchmen, your statement of “some movie” is a gross misinterpretation. It is only the most anticipated movie since Star Wars, LOTR, and the certain future, but yet to be made, Flash movie.
QueenP: Yeah. Whtevr. Listen, someone at work gave me 2 passes 2 the sneak preview 2night. Do u want 2 go w/ me 2 see it?
Sheldon.Cooper: Oh, God. It’s the napkin all over again.
QueenP: What’s the matter?
Sheldon.Cooper: Can you not see the inherent problem with your request? If you invite me, that excludes Leonard, Howard, and Raj. They will not be happy that I will see the movie before them, and then I cannot trust them not to do unspeakable things to my food.
QueenP: R u srs?
Sheldon.Cooper: Yes, I am “srs”. I admit, your consideration of what I’d enjoy is amazing, (if you’d remember your Christmas gift) but it leaves me at a loss of how to repay you. And why me? Why not invite Leonard?
Sheldon.Cooper: What do you mean ydk? You have to k!
QueenP: Sheldon, u can pay me back w/ popcorn. I <3 popcorn.
Sheldon.Cooper: Penny, I do not care what you <3. I care that you are inviting me to this instead of Leonard, your reasoning for which you have not yet explained.
QueenP: B/c Leonard will think it’s a date.
Sheldon.Cooper: Oh. I see. You do not wish to attend Watchmen with anyone of a romantic interest. You want to go with me, not Leonard, because Leonard will misconstrue your offer as some kind of green light for a sexual advance?
QueenP: Exactly
Sheldon.Cooper: All right, Penny. I accept. I will go to the midnight sneak preview with you. With, of course, the aforementioned constraint that this is in no way part of the human mating process or “date”, and that all interaction will be completely platonic.
QueenP: Right. I think that translates in2 “we’re going as friends”. So I will pick u up at 8 and we can go 2 dinner b4 the movie. C u 2night!
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Sheldon.Cooper: I <3 popcorn and you too
Sheldon.Cooper: *I <3 popcorn like you do