My weekend and stuff

Jun 25, 2007 11:19

So my weekend was generally good. Sorta eventful. On friday i got home from school to find a dozen red roses at my door. Amazing? I think so (thankyou again michael :) ) Yeah then i was like oooo and looking at them instead of getting ready for work which was at 4.30. Just a little bit gay starting at that time. But yeah i just managed to get ready in time and that was good.

That night was Lauras 17th. Soo much weed and alcohol there hey. But i had to fast so i couldnt damn well drink. But it was probably best i didnt because i would have prob ended up stoned too.. :s Yeah Amy was drunk. And we were all skanky dancing together. Much gropin from elley haha. Yeah and there was one random drunk guy who was only wearing extremely low rided shorts, he was dancing with all the girls (well all bar a few, myself included) He was funny tho. He came up and tried to get hell close too me but i was like wooah.. take amy instead! and then turned him to amy and walked off. He hell got close to her dancing haha. Ahh funny. She was like.. oh lord. And i was like. okay dude, she mine. He peed over a fence.. aahh seventeen yr olds.. so mature.. The biggest drama of the night was when cheyanne accidentally walked into this guys arm, he dropped the bong and it was ceramic so it broke. Very funny. But then heaps of other people had pipes and shit so they were fine. Amy wasnt feeling to happy so we went for a walk and danced in the street and were bitches to random guys who pulled over in their car. Then i let her pee in a bush. That made her a little bit more happy. Was good. That night i got a drunk call from Swa. I miss you lots pumpkin. Come to school you lazy whoreness.

Yeah saturday was blood test day. 3 tubes. It was fine hey. Went in and they were busy so mum just took me to one of the rooms and did her herself. Have to admit i was a little concerned when she was looking about the room with an odd expression on her face "ooh i usually dont wear these glasses.. i havent done a bleed with these ones before.." And i knew she was still getting used to the ones she was wearing theyre the funny ones with 3 diff sorta focuses or something depending on what part you look out from. Anyway i was like.. oh lord.. But i was like.. meh if she doesnt get it the first time she can just keep going till she does, its good practice for her. She was fine anyway. I got to turn my tubes and they were all warm. It was pretty cool. And i got to meet all the doctors she works with and everyone in the path lab. After that we went shopping, found a new foundation (lana you would like) And then came to ocean keys and did grocery shopping. Went to chemist to get mum antibiotics (she pretty much has what i had)

Eventually i got home and went on the comp for a bit. Then at around 4.10 i get a text from lloyd asking how far away i was. I replyed with something like "im at home, why? I dont start till 5" I get a reply "4" I was like.. oh. shit. Swore alot, got off comp, got ready, went to work. D.J or whatever her name is.. annoys me. She makes, but all she does is stand at the end of make and loads. Like even when were hell busy. Fucking annoying hey. And then when were hell busy, like friday night, morgie and i were on make, him second. And she was on load. She took her sweet fucking time looking at each pizza and like if there was a little bit of capsicum or something on a pizza that didnt have it, she would pick it off, and go round the borders and shit. Like morgie and i were at the bottom of the screen most of the time and waiting on load. So the whole bench was backed up and as far as load times went.. grr. GRR AT HER. Theres the work rant over :P Yeah after work on Sat went out to Portafinos with Michael which was really nice. Then just had a quiet night at his place.

Next morning had to get home to go to the gym with Lana for bellydancing. I get home and was talking to mum (about alan, will talk about him in a minute) Yeah and she was slightly not cool with me staying at michaels but shes over it now.. didnt help i went home with a huge friggen hickie on my neck *glares at michael* :P Yeah then alana came over and we had a laugh. WEll mainly her laughing at me, but thats always encouraged lol. Dancing was pretty fun. We go in and theres this petite little lady who spoke really quietly and she taught us. Wasnt too hard hey. A little arm ache while in there but nothing today. Im going for body pump tonight. Il be in pain tomorro.

Oh as for a certain condition that antibiotics have induced. I learned today im not the only one. Natboy was on the same ones and has the same thing. We had the funniest discussions in geography today. The one one suppositories (sp?) was sooooo funny. And it was in the time when we were supposed to be reading silently so the whole class was silent. And im in stitches of laughter hey. Well silent stitches. LIke i was crying. And nat was hitting me to try and make me shut up. Very good. Business is over now, but ima stay anyway and finish this. Eww yr 11s are in here now. Well im sitting in. They can live with it. Haha theyre so stoopid

Aannyway where was i. Oh Alan. Him and Jane arent together anymore. She just wants to be friends. Now i know i bitch about alan all the time and say how much i dislike him and all this. But at the end of the day he is my brother and i do love him i guess.. Well i dont really hate him anyway. So hes all depressed and miserable at the moment which is a shame. And so ima talk to him soon and let him know im here for him. He wants to see oceans 13. Ive already seen it and hanging out with your brother is just a little bit uncool. But if he wants to go then il go with so hes not a loner. What i do for my family hey.. *sigh* Hes doing really well at TAFE atm. So i just hope he stays with it because if he doesnt he really doesnt have much. Like he was talking to mum about how he really hasnt got much in his life and all that. And in a way i agree. But he doesnt see the other great things he has. He has a family who loves him, he has friends (who have stuck with him even when he was a disagreeable ass) he has a full time job that hes taking time off from at the moment to go do a tafe course that hes doing super good in. Sure he didnt graduate yr 12 and yeah he doesnt have a fiance/g.f and he fucked up in regards to his driving license.. but how is that the end of the world? I mean he'll get his licence back. He will complete the course and get a good apprenticeship. And Jane was 15 when they got together. Sure he made her happy. But they spent like every second of everyday together. Strong relationships are ones where you know how much you mean to the other and they know how much they mean to you.. and both still know that when apart. Everyone needs time to themselves. Even when you live together its not like your attatched at the hip the whole time. You do your own things.. God younger people are annoying.

Aannyway i need to do history stuff. Ive typed enough. :)

Love for all

~hilswig~ xoxoxoxo
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