Title: Listening...
Rating: G
Pairing: Linbu
Summary: Linde loves listening to Burton's piano playing.
Disclaimer: DK, DO, NH, okies?
Burton had past the grand piano a hundred times that day. He had stopped, once, twice, three times, only to run a loving hand over its ebony top, wipe dust from the shiny surface, and check if the instrument was in tune.
He had a million and one things to do, and he didn’t have time, no matter how much he wanted to, to play the piano.
So he spent all day doing housework, and listening to Michael Jackson while he worked, and the day seemed to slip by in a flurry of falsetto vocals and chores.
It was getting late, the weak winter sun had sunk below the horizon hours before, and the stars twinkled outside the windows. Snow blanketed the countryside, and Burton finally settled at the piano. He placed deft, skilled fingers to the ivory keys and struck up a tune, Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto 1. So engrossed was he in the piece, that he didn’t notice a lithe, blonde figure slip in the door and settle down on the nearby couch.
The piece reached its crescendo and softened, only to pick up again at the third movement. Finally, the piece softened and petered out. His long fingers struck the last note, and he softly shut the piano’s lid.
He turned, dark hair shimmering in the lamplight, and got up, smiling softly at the lithe, blonde man on the couch.
Burton crossed the room and settled next to Linde, mentally counting how long it took for the younger man to realise he had ceased playing.
The pianist got to one-thousand-three-hundred-and-sixty-nine before Linde’s grey eyes fluttered open.
“I was listening to you playing.” Linde smiled. “I‘ve always love it.”
Burton looked at him shyly. “I never realised you loved it so much.”
Linde leant into Burton’s warmth and felt strong arms embrace him. “Why’d you stop?”
Burton kissed the top of Linde’s head. “Because the piece ended, Mikko.”
“Play me another?” Linde looked up at him coyly. “Please?”
Burton caved, nodded and kissed Linde softly, before getting up to settle at the piano again.
“What would you like me to play?” Burton asked, placing his fingers on the keys.
Linde chuckled softly. “Ode To Joy?”
Burton raised an eyebrow. “Beethoven?”
Linde chuckled again. “Yep.”
Burton obliged, and began to play.
Linde relaxed, settled back into the couch and floated with the music.
Two minutes later, the song ceased and Burton turned to where Linde was seated on the couch, eyes closed, a contented smile on his lips. The pianist sat next to Linde again and pulled him into a warm embrace; Burton was rewarded when Linde snuggled closer and buried his face in Burton’s neck.
Burton lay back on the couch, arms still around Linde.
And the two fell asleep like that, in each other’s arms, Burton’s melody lingering in their ears.
For, although it was winter, the heat radiating from heart to heart would keep them safe and warm until morning.