(no subject)

Jan 13, 2022 16:42

Been a while since I did a ye olde friending meme

Dreamwidth Circle Meme

snowflake_challenge continues

Challenge #7
In your own space, tell us about 3 fandom resources, spaces, or communities you use or enjoy. (One or two is fine, especially if you're in a smaller fandom!) Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

My current fandom is very small (well, the English speaking corner at least) so we tend to all just hang out on Discord. It's a good little group. We have channels for cultural questions, one for language learning, one for brainstorming, one for talking about fics we're writing and more

The link is here but is only valid for 7 days. If you want an invite after that just drop me a comment and I can send you a new one.

This entry was originally posted at https://hils.dreamwidth.org/8805442.html.


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