Checking In

Jul 31, 2021 23:39

It's been a strange week. I spent two days in the office towards the end of the week with the other 3 members of my team, my boss and her boss. We stripped the place down and worked out what we wanted to get rid of and what we wanted to keep before we have a team coming in to redecorate and replace all the furniture ready for our (potential) full return in September.

Being in the office itself wasn't that stressful. Everyone had to be tested before they came in, we wore masks in communal spaces and everyone was sanitising their hands regularly.

What it did, though, was really throw out my routine. I am a creature of habit and having a (reasonably) strict routine is how I've got through the 18 months of working at home. I know on Tuesdays and Thursday I go to the post office to mail things for work, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I go for a lunchtime walk. As soon as I'm finished for the day I do my Chinese practice, a 20 mintute writing sprint, and read a couple of chapters of whatever book I'm reading before dinner.

Going into the office just felt a little off. After the first day I was absolutely exhausted. I don't know if it's because we spent a day moving furniture and computer equipment around or because I was somewhere else and had to go back to commuting. Maybe a bit of both.

So, that was a little taste of what's to come I guess. My company has been really good and they've explicitly said that if there's a spike in numbers or if anything else happens before September then we just won't go back. We've shown that we can work effectively from home so there's no need to rush back. We'll see what happens I guess. They also bought all of us lunch on both days to say thank you for going in and sorting everything out. I do like the company I work for.

In fandom news I am now 15 episodes into The Rebel and still very much enjoying it. Zhu Yilong looks sad a lot, there's all sorts of spy shenanigans, the main villain is delightful, the female lead is awesome, and the support cast are all really good actors. Loads of things to enjoy. Today Zhu Yilong stood in the snow looking sad AND walked in the rain, again looking sad. Then he cried. Playing to his strengths. I like it.

We've group watched the first few episodes of the new/old Lost Tomb show and we are enjoying it. It's silly and the plot is incoherent which is exactly what I expect from a tomb show. We are having a lot of fun.

I finished and submitted my
10yearpromise fic and it came in at 15k after I added a bunch during the editing. Now I'm back to working on something utterly self indulgent and I am having fun.

I checked AO3 earlier and including the unpublished exchange fic I have posted 98k this year so far. I've written 18k this month alone. After this fic I'm working on, though, I don't have any clear idea what I want to work on next. Before I got back into writing towards the end of last year I'd barely posted anything the 2 years before that and part of me is worried that if I stop I won't be able to start again. I might only be writing for 20 mins per day but eventually, I assume, I will run out of ideas or inspiration and I don't want that to happen. Writing has brought me so much joy in this shitty time and I don't want to lose that again.

We shall see what happens I guess. This entry was originally posted at
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