NYCC Recap

Oct 12, 2015 14:53

Just a recap of my NYCC shenanigans. It's quite long. Sorry.

Had to get up insanely early to catch the train/bus to NYC. Once we arrived I had the joy of using the subway for the first time. Last time I went to NYCC we just walked everywhere or took a cab on the rare occasion it was too far to walk.

Took the subway to the apartment we were staying in which was really cute

After that we headed over to the convention centre. There wasn't anything on that we wanted to go to that day so we just wandered around and did some shopping.

Oh, and look who provided the free wifi for the con

We (shockingly) spent a lot of time hanging around the Marvel booth

Obviously I had to do the thing

We also went down to Artist Alley and met Annie Wu who was one of the artists on the Matt Fraction run of Hawkeye. She was lovely. chaneen got a commissioned drawing of Bucky Barnes which was so interesting to watch her draw and I bought a postcard set which she very kindly signed for me.

We got up insanely early so we could get in line for wristbands for the Agents of Primetime panel. It was a wee bit busy. This was just a section of the queue when we arrived at the convention centre

Luckily we were right near the front of the wristband queue once we got inside (the exit sign is the front of the queue) so it was mostly just standing/sitting until it was time to get our wristbands and go in

But this was the line behind me. Wow.

Wristband was aquired which meant that after years of being a Coulson fangirl I was finally going to be in the same room as Clark Gregg \o/

After we'd got our wristbands we wandered the floor again and unfortunately I found the Dragon Age stall. Walked away with a t-shirt and a load of badges

We wandered around the stalls a bit more and then chaneen spotted a tweet saying Clark and Chloe were going to be doing an interview for The Nerdist at lunchtime. Since we had nothing else planned we decided to wander over. Best decision ever. I was right at the front of the stage and was so close to Clark I could almost touch him. It worked out really well because although we had decent seats for the Agents of Primetime panel we were off to one side so we could be near the screen to see any footage we were shown. So this way I got to be close to Clark AND get a good view of the new stuff.

After that we headed over to another building for the Elementary panel. I'm still only about halfway through the last season of Elementary but it was great seeing the cast and John Noble who is joining the cast this year. Lucy Liu had lots of insightful comments to make and John Noble made every answer sound like he was telling a story. Also, did you know he's Australian? I didn't despite having seen all the LotR special features. I just always thought he was English.

We ended the day with the Agents of Primetime panel which was a lot of fun. We were shown a clip from one of the new Agent Carter episodes and we got an advanced screening of the new AoS episode which is airing tomorrow. You're going to love it :D

They had a strict no photos rule once the panel started so I didn't get any pictures beyond this one of the stage/screen before it started


Saturday was the only day where things went a bit wrong but I still had a lot of fun. Again we were up super-early to get in line for panel wristbands. It was the busiest day. Not just because it was Saturday but because one of the panels was an X-Files panel which included David Duchovny and a screening of the first episode of the new show. I decided not to go to that because although I do like X-Files I've only seen 2 seasons and it felt wrong to take the place of someone who was a bigger fan than me.

So instead I had a choice of either the Firefly Reunion panel or the Dardevil/Jessica Jones one as my first choice. I went for Firefly mostly because Nathan Fillion is still the nicest person I have ever met at a con.

But this is where it went a bit wrong. They were handing out Firefly wristbands as soon as you got in line and there seemed to be some confusion as to whether we had to stay in the line or if we could go and join the line for another panel. I joined the Daredevil line but after 10 minutes I was told to leave and get back in the Firefly line. We were promised that once the con opened we could go back around and get in line for another wristband if we wanted.

Only that never happened. Because the Firefly panel was the first one they kept us in line until the panel started so I missed out on going trying for anything else. A shame, but from what I can tell the Daredevil wristbands went really quickly so chances are I wouldn't have got one even if I'd had the chance to try.

The Firefly panel was a lot of fun though. Alan Tudyk joined Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres and Jewel Staite for about 20 minutes before he had to leave for something else. He wasn't supposed to be on the panel at all so that was a nice surprise.

Jewel is quite heavily pregnant and was talking about how since it's now 10 years since the Serenity movie came out (how it that possible???) we're now at the point where the next generation is going to be discovering Firefly for the first time. And then we got into a discussion about what age is suitable for kids to start watching Firefly.

I can't remember a lot of the questions that were answered but I do remember this which made everyone laugh

Person: Malcolm Reynolds and Han Solo walk into a bar. Who walks out?
Nathan: Everybody else
Gina: And that's why he's our captain.

That's another thing actually. They spent a lot of time talking about how the cast as a team helped each other be better actors. Nathan said it was easy to act like a captain because everyone else treated him like a captain.

They also talked about bedroom scenes and how during the scenes with Zoe and Wash they were just stay in bed while the cameras were being rearranged and stuff because it was warm and comfortable. Gina joked she often used to think about bringing her pajamas and just staying there.

Jewel said she and Sean used to goof around in the beds too and sing Whitney Houston songs to each other to pass the time. Apparently Sean is a really good singer.

Someone asked about learning Chinese for the show and Nathan said they were given cassette tapes (and then laughed because who remembered those) with the Chinese pronunciation but they were quite soft and gentle even though they were curses most of the time.

Jewel confessed she never listened to the tapes and just used to guess how to say the words which meant she had to do ADR for all the Chinese stuff. Nathan nearly died laughing because he'd never heard that story before.

So, yeah, despite me missing out on the Daredevil panel the Firefly one was a lot of fun and I'm glad I went.

I thought after that I was just going to have to sit around until the end of the con because I'd missed out on all the other panels. I'd just found a nice corner with my Kindle when I saw a tweet saying they still had panels for The Last Witch Hunter (Vin Diesel's new movie) so I decided to go to that.

I ended up with a front row seat!

The film looks pretty fun. It's sort of like an Underworld type of movie as far as I can tell about an immortal witch hunter. Elijah Wood plays someone who is part of the order dedicated to helping the witch hunter and Rose Leslie (of Game of Thrones fame) plays a good witch who helps him.

I'll definitely give it a go when it comes out in the UK.

Sunday was a more relaxed day. We got to have a lie in and headed over to the convention centre for about 9:30 as there were no wristbanded panels we wanted to go to.

We started off with the Marvel Unlimited Plus panel which was an exclusive panel for Marvel Unlimted Plus members. I was fortunate that chaneen is a member and took me as her +1

Unfortunately the panel turned out to be quite disappointing. The entire panel guest list was white men who spent 90% of the time talking about male character books they're working on. All the Q&A questions were asked by men and we were shown the Agent Carter footage that most of us had already seen. At the San Diego version of the panel they were shown a clip from Civil War so not sure why we didn't get the same.

Ah well.

We ended the con with the Women of Marvel panel which was SO refreshing after the previous one. There was such and upbeat and positive vibe to the panel. It was so amazing and a great way to end everything.

And that was us done

After the con we went to see Carol as part of the New York Film Festival and that was an amazing movie.

conventions, nycc

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