This is going to be a rather brief report since I skipped out on most of the con for reasons which I will explain below the cut
The journey down was a bit of a nightmare really. My bus was late and I missed my train.
Waiting at the station
Finally on the train
oddlyfamiliar got stuck in traffic to the point where even though I caught the next train I still arrived before she did, and when we finally hit the road there had been several accidents so we were stuck like this for quite a while
But we finally made it! Except there was nowhere to park so
oddlyfamiliar dropped me at the hotel and I headed in to find Cinde (the Random Acts director who had flown over for the weekend to say hi and hang out). Did a quick lap of the hotel lobby and found several friends so there was much flailing and hugging going on.
I found Cinde and we decided to check in while
oddlyfamiliar parked up. I was just picking up our keys when someone very familiar walked past :D Poor Misha had literally just arrived from Greece and was storing his stuff an hour before he was due on stage for his first panel. He was with one of the Rogue Events staff who had been awesome in helping me sort out RA stuff at A7 and she remembered me so we had a quick chat.
After that
oddlyfamiliar finally arrived and we headed up to our room to dump all our stuff. Cinde, very kindly, gave us a couple of caps that had been worn in the
Bing Commercial I always forget to smile when I'm taking a photo of myself. LOL.
And we had a load of awesome RA swag to give away over the weekend
We headed down for a drink after that and
oddlyfamiliar and I headed off to register. I have to say that compared to A7 this one ran like a dream. We were in and out in about 10 mins.
Because I am a bad fan I decided to skip Misha's panel and headed upstairs to dump my convention stuff so I could go and get some food. Hilariously I ran into Misha and we stopped for a quick chat until I pointed out he was supposed to be on stage 10 mins ago. He left rather hurriedly ;)
Unfortunately it all went a bit wrong after that. I grabbed a Subway to eat and had a beer in my room before heading down to catch up with Demi and Cathy who are two of the lovely people who went to Haiti last year (and are going again this year). I'm not really sure what happened but I drank too much wine. WAY too much wine. Seriously, I can't even remember the last time I was that drunk. I have photos on my camera that I have no recollection of taking or being in.
So, here they are:
My traditional Sam!bear snuggles
Dean/Cas in bear form
Me and
absdax in our matching sockmonkey hats
I think this is Dean and Cas staring at each other. Or possibly kissing.
No comment
I have no idea who this little Cas belongs to but he's cute
Cas!bear raising
absdax from perdition
I think
absdax is raising herself from perdition here
No idea what's going on here
And that was it. I felt VERY ill for most of the next day so I skipped out on all the morning panels (including Misha's - I suck) in favour of sitting around and groaning a lot.
By lunchtime I felt a bit better so I popped into one of the panels (Steven Williams and Matt Cohen) but I left again after 10 mins. I dunno, my embarrassment squick is too high for these things nowadays I think. I was fine until one woman asked them to call her son because he couldn't be there and that was me out.
Instead I decided to give away some signed posters. They got a mixed reaction ;)
In the evening we went out for dinner and
absdax joined us as crazy!Cas
I loved how our starter was arranged
We headed back to our room after that and watched the SPN finale. I liked it but I'll do a separate post on that later
absdax and the crazy hair
Hilariously the most exiting part of my weekend was when we went down to hang out at the bar and the Rogue Events staff were dressed at The Avengers. I legit bounced up and down and squeed when I saw one of them was dressed as Phil. She was lovely and let me get a photo with her
It was awesome. Under the jacket she had a gun with the SHIELD logo and in her pocket she had some Cap trading cards.
And then Cas met Crowley
The next morning everyone else was tired but because I'd had a whole day of sobriety I was up and down for breakfast pretty early
A healthy breakfast too
Afterwards I spent the morning hanging out with
akadougal and just chatting. This tweet popped up on my phone which caused much confusion
Later I found out Misha has been campaigning to get a spot on Doctor Who and asked fandom to get involved.
I did actually attend a couple of panels on the Sunday. Mark Sheppard's was great but then he knows how to handle the silly questions/requests for hugs etc so it was just a good, entertaining panel. I also went to one with Jim Michaels and Guy Bee which was easily the best one of the weekend. It was really interesting listening to all the behind the scenes stuff and no one asked silly questions. I'd easily go to an SPN con which was just guested by behind the scenes people.
In the afternoon I met Nick Fury which was very exciting ;)
And we ended with what was supposed to be a Misha/Mark Pellegrino duo panel but Mark was running late so it was mostly Misha by himself.
It was fun, a few embarrassing questions but Misha deflected them well.
Honestly, I could report about what he said but I actually can't remember. I'm sure there are better reports than mine out there which cover it.
And that was it. We left on Monday morning and I had a decided less healthy breakfast than the day before
And I left a very important message for the housekeeping staff