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Apr 30, 2012 16:03

Are you in the UK and interested in the creative aspects of fandom? If so then I have a very exciting event to bring to your attention.

Writerconuk, despite the name, is not just for writers and caters to artists, vidders, betas and readers in fandom.

Every year we have a small, entirely fan run, convention in Coventry, UK where we meet up, host our own panels, have quizzes, chats, workshops and generally squee a lot.

This year will see the 6th event and it's happening 25th-27th May 2012.

Membership is limited to 40 people and tickets are a bargain at £35 for the weekend. We've also managed to score a good deal on hotel rooms at £65 per night for a single or £75 per night for a twin (all including breakfast)

It'd be awesome to see some new people there this year and I know I have a lot of UK fandom friends so I thought I'd make you aware.

If you're interested the sign-up post is here

Any questions just let me know.

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