wow, it's been a while.
so. THINGS have happened, as i suppose is to be expected.
- i've moved into a tiny apartment with my friend jacob in the suburb of carnegie. long story short, about 10 weeks ago my parents kicked me out, so here i am. living out of home is difficult and expensive and one of the best things i've ever done. odd how one of the best things for me wasn't my decision. we're looking for a bigger place- this apartment is insanely small and we're paying rent about double what we should be - and only found out the other day that we're free to break the lease. good times.
- finn and i broke up, got back together and are now on a (possibly) extended break. the past few weeks i've been feeling a lot of my old mental issues from high school etc rising up again along with a strange sort of disconnection from the majority of my life. i needed some time to sort my own shit out, so i took it. it's hard- really fucking hard- but i'm making progress, seeing a councellor and actually talking through my issues with people. no more bottling things up.
- i am, as usual, overcommitted to theatre at the moment- in an amazing play called "the visit" as a blind eunuch called loby (it is clearly my most dramatic and amazing role ever), and have a short play in a festival at monash as well as a performed reading of my trash play "cecilia, the she-bitch of broadway". on top of this i have to start planning my auditions for "marat/sade", the piece i'm directing with monash later this year. loving it quite a lot.
- just finished reading timothy conigrave's memoir "holding the man". apparently i'm late to the party. sat down this morning and read the entire thing. this book utterly destroyed me; i haven't cried like that in a long time, and was strangely glad to. it's a pretty amazing book.
- i have photos in an exhibition. exciting!