Aug 06, 2007 20:42
I am irritated. Literally. Emotionally. Optically.
After being strung along by my dad about getting a new car (He told me we would get one like a month or so ago, and since then we have had several false starts) we finally went to the VW dealer today. Only my dad said we STILL couldn't get the car today because of some money not clearing or something. So we get there and apparently the VW guys were not willing to come down on the price for the Jetta that I wanted so my Dad said we would have to walk..and wait.
So we stop at the MAZDA dealer on the way home. And now I have a mazda3. But its still at the dealership. Why I don't know.
In the midst of all this, I woke up this morning to my eye stinging like someone shot battery acid into and fiery red. So I was really irked the entire morning until I found some Opcon-A Redness and Itch Relief. Which provided me with only some redness relief but not MOTHERFUCKING BURNING RELIEF. I think it has some kind of local anesthetic in it because it did numb my eye for about 20 minutes after each application, but then dilated my eye so I had to walk around with 2 different sized pupils all afternoon. And it made my nose run. So now I'm sitting here and I still have no fucking relief.
Oh and to make it even better, on top of not getting the car I wanted, I owe my dad money now. Because HE decided to go over budget to get this car.
And And And there was no food in my house, and I was so freaking hungry. So I made some rice....And then there was no GODDAMN SOY SAUCE!
So I know I'm coming off like a terrible ungrateful bitch, and that irritates me too.
I really do like the car that I car and more than anything I need to be thankful for how nice my dad is being.
Ok alright enough