I want to vomit...

Dec 16, 2005 09:52

I just screwed up my chemistry exam horribly. Oh dear God, I hope I made a decent grade. I didn't study that much, that was my big mistake. I went into the test with a 97 average. I looked over everything last night. It will be fine I thought. I got to my exam 20 minutes early to glance over my old tests/leisurely sharpen my pencils, and everyone was reciting formulas i had completely forgotten about!!! PV=nrt?...deltaG=deltaH-TdeltaS (or was it the other way around) HOLY SHIT HOLY FUCK! Formal charge? How do I calculate that? Mercaptans? I've never even heard of that. I get my test, 15 pages long, I can't breathe. I cannot breathe. I want to cry. It's like I've completely forgotten chemistry. Holy shit, what if I fail this test? I'll get a B, No, I've worked so hard all semester to fuck it up on the last day!!? Holy shit....the test rapes me for about an hour and a half before i remember all i can remember and guess all that i can guess. i start to hypervenilate...i turn in my exam, my professor tells me that i was his top scorer in the class. holy shit. not after this test. holy shit. maybe he'll make sure i get an A. probably not. other people studied better. i choked. i've never done that on a test before. i blew it. i want to cry or pass out. fuck.

EDIT:: I checked the key after i took my precal exam. i missed 13 questions, which gives me a 74 on the final WITHOUT a scale, giving me an 89.78 in the class. i've never been more relieved in my whole life.
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