Response to Heather's Blog

Oct 01, 2008 22:34

Heather's entry found here:

The problem is that after doing research one is still confronted with those same old issues. And the fact that they're old, that abortion has been legal for thirty years doesn't change that a person thinks it's wrong and step towards losing more of the morals that made this nation free. I have one point that I myself can't go any longer without stating.

The pro-choice lobbyists here in Canada, along with the Gynecologist and other Medical associations cried out against the bill for making the murder of a pregnant woman two murders. Within the bill they had specifically allowed for the legal termination of pregnancy as the law itself provides. It clearly would not have allowed any blame to be placed on doctors performing abortion, but what do you think? Of course there would be no way a pro-choice group would allow this law passed no matter what the 'specifications.' I don't blame them really. If the law had passed it would doubtless have been used by pro-lifers against abortion.

But when this same concept of laws leading to other laws is used by Christians trying to protect marriage, we are verbally attacked. Your point about ICU policy is one of the many things that could be solved without granting civil marriage to homosexual couples. "Does it harm YOU who other people choose to be intimate with?" The fact that this statement can be used by a polygamist and pedophile concerns me. I am seriously concerned that if you legalize gay marriage you cannot keep polygamy and everything down the list illegal--especially when those other illegal sexual acts can produce children and homosexuality cannot. If you can honestly prove to me that I am wrong in reaching this conclusion, let me know. If however you do not see a problem with polygamy, pedophilia and the like, I shall have to debate with you differently. If we cannot even assume the moral wrongness of these things, then we must argue instead about the nature of moral right and wrong.

No McCain isn't perfect, nor Palin, nor Obama, Biden, Barr, or Root, but after looking at the morals of those candidates and taking the abortion issue in consideration I naturally want to vote for McCain, because if he is able to appoint a Supreme Court Justice that results in overturning Roe vs. Wade I believe it will be a step, a small one yes, but following what I already said about law following law, I think that will be a step in caring more about children as a policy. And make no mistake, what we say about babies and children in the United States still matters everywhere else in the world where they make laws.
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