Oct 18, 2005 22:17
I've finally started keeping track of my expenses in a spreadsheet, having said for ages that I was going to do it!
Today I listened to Ben flirt with Matilda before lectures started (they were sitting to the right of me). His technique was quite clever. He kept on asking her questions and then he'd answer them himself, thus showing off how good his guessing and person-reading skills were. I couldn't hear all of it but it went something like...
Ben would ask her, "Would you prefer a holiday in Italy or Majorca?" Then he'd say really quickly, "Italy!" Then she'd say, "Yup, yup, though I have been to both..." Then, "Cats or dogs?" "DOGS!" And she'd smile happily.
Seeing as we've all only known each other for two weeks and spent about 4 hours total in each other's company (in class room settings where we aren't exactly encouraged to converse freely about our personal lives), I thought Matilda had reason to be impressed. However, I did also think that Ben was just pigeon-holing her based on what kind of a person he THOUGHT she was. And anyway personally I'd prefer not to be so predictable to others.