Good evening friends! I want to make a post here, I feel that I need to make a post here, I've sayd little for a while & I'll tell you about my life lately, And! about the fine LBM (little brown mushroom) pictured above. What I've been up to in Saint Paul Minnaysotor first, eh. Because, in linear fact, it came first!
Recently I was in Ramsey County Court twice, in support, in Solidarity, with the RNC 8. First, for Max Specktor, & I watched the proceedings, testimony, to a motion to suppress evidence from a van stop, that is when Max was arrested on One September,'08, the first "official" day of the '08 Republican National Convention. Shit had been coming down for two days before that, however. Three cops testified about this issue, informative, educational, rivetting.
The proceedings were quite informative, friends, & I just want to sat This about That. The "authorities" did NOT have a valid arrest warrant for Max, as the Constitution requires. And the cops did NOT have any search warrant for the van, as the law requires. No search warrant at all. As an anarchist, I personally don't care much for laws enacted by the bourgeois, of course, but they should follow their own laws. Hypocritical of them if they don't, isn't it? And illegal, too, if they don't obey their own rules.
The second event was on 8 October, all of the Eight were in court, with their lawyers and about fifty to sixty of us, comrades and supporters. The main thing was a defense motion for "joinder," to combine the trials of the Eight into one. The Persecutors do not want that, of course. By the way, I wish you could get a look at the prosecutors, the "state's lawyers." My holy god (and you know I'm not religious, eh) if I saw these incredible creeps coming down the street towards me, I'd cross to the other side of the boulevard. They radiate twistedness, Jeebus, now I actually believe in the Lizard People!
There were moments of levity, though. Persecutor Derek Fitch revealed that the state CAN'T READ the hard drives of our seized computers, 'cause the state can't defeat the encryption our geeks used! Yay! Huzzah! Anarchist geeks are FAR, FAR geekier than any geeks the state has on its payroll!
Friends, there was absolute delight on the faces of our technologically savvy comrades (geeks) when Fitch revealed that the state can't defeat our encryption.
Well, more about all the above later. Judge Teresa Warner has not ruled, decided, on the motions presented by the defense, & she has 90 days to do so, though she will likely act sooner.
Ah! The little brown mushroom, the LBM! I found this a few hours ago in our yard, in the grass, very near a pine tree & fallen pine needles. That, the pine & needles thing, is important by the way. Nan and I are proud members of the Mycological Society, that is, the mushroom geeks, eh! Nan knows more about this than I, has been a mushroom hunter for decades and we have collected about four edible species and eaten them.
The LBM was very near where I found a larger specimen of the same species on 5 October. That larger specimen made a brown spore print. We shall see with this one. I have put it on a sheet of paper to capture the spore print. How big is this specimen? Its one inch across the cap, and one inch high from the base of the stalk (stipe) to the top on the cap. So, it truly is a "little" brown mushroom.
So! Why am I conspiring with Nan to hunt fungi? Ah, it occupies my mind, I do many things, one must keep busy, you know. I can't be in Ramsey County Court all the time, and I need something relaxing to channel my energies into.
Best to you, dear readers! Billy