I came across this blog while surfing the net today. Because of work, I have been looking at blogs and actually found 2 blogs managed by boys (before NS, all men are boys = Singapore version) and in one of the blogs by this guy name Melvin Lau, I found an entry on the. Indulge. He said the food review at indulge was free, I wonder if Kelvin gave him a treat, will ask Kelvin if I remember.
Anyway, here the link if you are interested (the page loads really slowly...have patient)
http://tiankongshini.blogspot.com/2008/03/indulge-in-indulge.htmlIt is a pretty old entry, March 2008. Wonder if Kelvin remembers...hmm...
The other blog is by this boy - Kelvin. His latest entry is on girls who like money and girls who say they like money. I actually like his thinking, and I agree with them. Though I would have to say, this theory applys to the male gender too. And I know sometimes I talk too much about money, and I will like kind of regret talking so much afterwards. I think it does gives others a good impression of me. But after reading his blog, I must say I am quite happy with myself, by his theory, I am actually with the better lot. LOL. Makes my day :) Getting off work now.
Here's the blog entry:
http://yandao.com/2009/01/18/girls-who-like-money-and-girls-who-say-they-like-money/ Went for Winston & Nard Nard's wedding last evening. Will blog about this next (In my private section), made me realised something about myself. :)