(no subject)

Nov 02, 2005 04:01

Okay, this entry is going to be mad,possibly offencive due to possible large amounts of swearing, so if your really not in the mood, i suggest you don't read.

Okay, it is 4 in the morning and Im wide awake, I have woken up because I am dehydrated,and a stiff neck, lumps on the back of my neck, and i have a bit of a temperature.

Yesterday my twat of a father came home at about 4:30, after my mum had picked him up from the pub, he was drunk. I should probably explain now that my dad is an alcoholic and can get extremly nasty and violent when hes drunk. My mum has left him countless times, and when I was about 5, she took him to court because he hit her and gave her a black eye. She won custody and the house, but my dad got visitation rights, and she took him back, I cannot describe how much this conffuses me, but there you go.

So anyway, he came back home, I was in the cupboard down stairs where the computer was housed. It has started to get dark really early lately, and me being in the computer room for half an hour, ahd not realised that it was slightly dark in the living room, and therefore had not put a light on. Well, my father decided to have a huge go at me, and stood there shouting, and sneering at me for a good five minutes, during that time calling me , lazy, a bitch, a spunger(?!??!?), a useless waste of space. I was by this time in tears, I should probably mention at this point that my dad and been sober for a couple of years, becasue his excessive drinking had caused liver damage, that if he had carried on drinking he would have died, he went on medication for about a year to get rid of this, got rid of this, adn in the past month the drinking has become more frequent.

anyway, I was in tear,sn ad I said to him, 'did me not putting a light on really deserve that reaction?', his answer was probably not, and then continued to repeat the 'lazy spunger' comments. I started to make a pot of tea, in the mean time my dad goes up stairs to get changed. When my dad had called my mum to get her to pick him up, she was in the middle of sorting some laundry out, and had laid two small piles of washing on the bed. this caused another up roar, my dad shouted down the stairs 'what the fuck is this on the bed', came down stairs, and tehn started to have a go at my mum, asking why she ahd left it, he did not let her anser this question, so she rasied her voice and asked'can you let me answer your question' at which point he went to grab her by the throat, she managed to stop him ,adn said, you will never raise your hands to me again, his response being 'really' and continued trying to grab her, I had been standing right next to my parents the whole, tiem adn tried to intervine, I was screaming at him, and if he had actualey hit her, I was quite prepared to get the rolling pin and beat his head in, and I would ahve done, if he hadn't at that moment ordered my mum to leave. My brother had just got back form college at this point, so my mum ordered him ot leave his shoes on and me to get mine on ,which I did gladly. My mum took her keys, at which my dad ordered her to leave the car, my mum treid to seperate the car key form her house key, but he snatched them off her, so I said mum use my ky, becasue it was hanging up on the rack right next to her. At this my dad decides to turn on me again, and start with 'thats right you side with your mum as usual', and went to hit me aswell, but i managed to dodge it, and him being drunk, had very slow reactions. So we left the house and, were walking down the road, we called some one who let us stay at there house for a few hours until he had fallen asleep, and we were able to come home. For those of you who don't live in Nottingham, I shud explain that St Anns, where I live is not the safest place for two teenagers and a woman to walk around in the dark.

So we came back home about 9:30, and he is upstairs now, sleping off the booze, he'll be sorry in the morning, if he'll actualey admit that he is, but this is it. I have forgiven him time and time again, and this was the first time he actualey went to hit me, its jsut alwasy been my mum before.

Any way, what a cheery post this is. I don't know what use it is, but I was lying in bed and I figured telling some one, even if its over t'internet might help. im quite proud that I managged to swear so little , Imust be calmer than I feel.

anywas, love you all (Zee, Kelz and Rach)
<33333333333333333333333333333333 forever and infintiy.
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