Sep 16, 2014 21:06
Now we're told: the forms won't matter.
I'm wondering if anything does, in the eyes of the insurance companies.
Ours has now effectively barred me from continuing to see any of the doctors I'm already established with. They are not "in network". The doctors, oncologists, etc., from whom I can chose now, under the new backing of Aetna, is a list of strangers.
I was supposed to (finally) start chemo tomorrow. I did trust my oncologist.
How am I supposed to choose a new one?
I'm told that if I ignore the insurance's new edict of in-network and out-of-network policy, the cost will be prohibitive. I will have to pay my deductible--at nearly twice the price, too--all over again.
This would be prohibitive.
All that Go-FundMe money, that you were so kind and generous to donate? It's gone toward the bills for tests and toward the beginning of this chemo. At Loma Linda.
I can't just start over again.
I don't know what to do.
I plan to seek out the hospital's financial aid people, early tomorrow, and beg mercy.
Unless you have a very similar experience and a successful strategy to share.
Otherwise, please...
I just can't take any pep talks right now.