Ahh, Alias. I remember those first few years of being insanely dedicated to this show, of all the wonderful, amazing people I met in the process, of all the good times and bad-- and this final ep was sad for me in that nostalgic "remember when" kinda ways.
While I was a bit disappointed in the final, final scene (okay, so I wanted the last frame to be the stars falling from the sky and the end of the world and woosh, there goes Alias! up in flames, one big catastrophe-- I'm a fatalist) there were some really wonderful moments. Jack's death was really perfect: noble to a fault, with his final line to Sloane-- perfection. And Sloane's eternal damnation was absolutely perfect. Irina's mad scramble for the device, despite her daughter's ability to...once again...forgive and try to extend that hand of salvation-- amazing. I always wanted for Irina to be exposed as how evil she truly was, and even though she did try to do her best to "save" Sydney by giving her a daughter, she had to understand that the fundamental difference between them was that one was inherently good while the other was...inherently evil.
Tom's death made me cry. I really was touched by his sacrifice, but I expected as much with his inability to move on even 4 years after his wife's death. That phone call with Rachel--- really kinda made me tear up and feel all mushy. I wish we'd known more about him.
Vaughn and Sydney's happy life in Santa Barbara (or what I imagined to be SB,) with little Izzy and Jack...aww. And I knew that Iz would be doing the super puzzle, just like Syd, but I love that she knocked it down: the end of an era, people, the end of an era.
I am, beyond all else, thankful for this show for what it's done for me as a person: not only have I been introduced to an amazing bunch of people, but I've become a better writer, too. Writing for Alias was one of my most intense passions. I read through all of my favorite fanfics this weekend and some of the pieces I never posted and remember that insane intensity that I had when writing and when being a part of such a great community. Above all else, Alias helped me realze what I wanted to do with my life-- it really let me see how incredible fandom is: how people from different walks of life can connect and be a part of something that is larger than themselves but what they, fundamentally, make larger-- that's an incredible thing, and I'm so thankful.
Sniff, sniff. Alias. I'll miss you-- for what you were, what you could have been, and what you continue to be...