About Me

Feb 20, 2005 19:04

About me
first name: Hillary
\O\ middle name: evelyn
\O\ last name: Guest
/X/ nickname(s): hill, short person
\O\ gender: girl
/X/ age: 13 but almost 14!
\O\ birthday: April 13, 1991
/X/ height: about 5 ft
\O\ hair color: light brown
/X/ eye color: blue green ish
\O\ race: canadian
/X/ is your hair long or short: medium
\O\ where were you born: St Catherines, Ontario
/X/ current location: Ft Myers
\O\ zodiac sign: Aries
\X\ piercings you have: none...

: School :
/O/ are you in school: 8th grade
/X/ favorite grade: i guess this year since i have more friends
\O\ least favorite grade: 7th
/X/ least favorite subject: Art... i dont like getting graded on something as stupid as drawing
/X/ favorite TeAcHer this year: i dunno

: Private Life :
\O\ do you have a boyfriend: ya rite
/X/ do you have a crush: i used to
\O\ do you love anyone right now: nope
/X/ have you ever been in love: yeah
\O\ do you smoke: i plan to NEVER smoke and I have one good reason why but i wont get into it right now
/X/ do you smoke weed: no
\O\ how about a little x: no way hozay
/X/ crack, heroin, anything else: kiss my ass biotch
\O\ are you a virgin: yes, i have morality

: Would You Ever :
\O\ bungee jump: NO
/X/ sky dive: NO
\O\ swim with dolphins: yea dolphins r cute
/X/ scuba dive: i guess
\O\ go rock climbing: no
/X/ steal a friend's boyfriend: haha yea
\O\ cross-dress: only for halloween
/X/ lie to the police: no
\O\ run from the police: why would i do that?
/X/ lie to your parents: no way hozay................. (who doesn't?)

: Your Friends :
\O\ best friend(s): uhhhhhh theres a lot
/X/ known longest: kristie, ashlee, other people from elm school, hey amber ive known u since 1st grade!
\O\ wish you talked to more: kinda lost touch w/ kristie
/X/ who drives you insane: ashlee.... jk
\O\ who can you talk to forever and never get sick of: i get sick of all of them over time
/X/ ever lose a good friend: yea
\O\ can always make you laugh: brandon and adam
/X/ best personality: brittany riley, i really look up to her
\O\ biggest drug user: im not even gunna...
/X/ always hyper and crazy: brandon, adam, ashlee
\O\ smartest: we all pretty much are stupid... DONT DENY IT lol
/X/ most funny: Brandon
\O\ most quiet: cindy
/X/ always fun: all
\O\ long distance friend: kristie, alex, carly (alex and carly are old friends from canada)
/X/ you had a crush on: i dont usually like my guy friends... it's strange
\O\ loudest: brandon
/X/ most fights with: jerry
\O\ always happy: cindy
/X/ drama queen: ashlee
\O\ youngest: david?
/X/ tallest: BRANDON
\O\ oldest: ?
/X/ go to for advice: jerry but his advice always sucks so i go to someone else.. lol
\O\ most talkative: ashlee
/x/ enemy: uhhh

: Have You Ever :
/X/ flashed someone: No
\O\ gotten really REALLY wasted: no
/X/ gone to jail or juvi: no
\O\ skateboarded: and then fell off, yes
/X/ skinny dipped: I don't think so
\O\ stolen anything: no im a good person
/X/ broke someones bone: I should hope not
\O\ pegged someone with a snowball: No
/X/ broke a beer bottle: Nope
\O\ gotten into a bar, under-aged: all the time
/X/ kissed someone of the same sex: yea.... so wut?
\O\ flicKed someone off: no
/X/ gone on a road trip: with my parents........
\O\ been to another country: canada
/X/ talked back to an adult: who doesn't
\O\ got pulled over: yes with my invisible car
/X/ broke a law: yea
\O\ given money to a homeless person: No, they smell like pee
tried to kill yourself: NO OF COURSE NOT... NO NO.. YES YES NO NO YES...
cried to get out of trouble: Yup, yay!

Favortie song: lots, my ultimute fav is This Love by maroon 5 tho
Favortie movie: i dunno
Favortie sport: basketball, cheerleading (dont do it.. yet), swimming
Q;Boxers or breifs? im not a guy
Q:How many teeth do ya have? a bajillion more than i can count
Q:Have you ever eaten and apple? yes
Q; Are you a mexican? yup.... sure
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