Aug 24, 2006 21:20
Whole Foods was out of bean sprouts? What kind of crunchy, tree hugging excuse for a "whole foods" store doesn't carry freakin' bean sprouts!?!?!?!? Worthless.
I need to post more, but I'm really boring, so I'll just post a whole bunch of shit, and some of it will be true, and some of it will be false. Enjoy.
Tomorrow I have to take a workshop on interviewing. So when I interview people, I don't begin with, "what are your religious and political views, and how do these translate into your performance in the workplace and influence your decision to have a family?".
I am balls-to-the-wall excited about going to Massachussetts next month. We are staying at the most beautiful hotel RIGHT on the beach on the cape. SO excited. Plus, we are going to Provincetown, the Gayest Place on Earth (do NOT confuse this gay for happy).
Fuck, I have failed. All of this was true :(