Apr 17, 2006 12:00
Even tho I was exhausted last nite, I had such a hard time trying to sleep and stay asleep.
my itunes is shuffling such good music right now. From a much-needed Guster to the beats beats of Wu-Tang. Fuck, I'm really tired. Okay, sooo I'm not trippin too much about not having a phone, but I feel like I have no friends. ha, i just feel so disconnected with the world. Less stressed but nonetheless, bored more often.
Anyone want to contribute to the "Hilla needs a new cell phone fund?" To-Do List Tomorrow: must find a sugar daddy.
LOST, such a good show. I thought it was going to be corny but it's actually HELLA GOOD. Too bad it can't play on my laptizzle... SPARKY, I need your help homie... I want to watch episode 3 and it won't play and I already downloaded Limewire (claire suggested it) so come on over and I'll buy you food and watch Lost.
I wish I had something important or wise to say. oh well. im over it. I hope it stays sunny all day!