Jan 18, 2006 13:10
Yeah, so I'm taking like 2 minutes to grouse (sorry - that's more often than not what this post is about...) because I only have 2 minutes. No, I take that back - I don't even have two minutes... The following things have to be done before I leave for Kobe/Osaka tonight:
write two END OF THE YEAR tests
prepare materials for all classes I will be missing tomorrow and the day after
check in with teachers teacher my classes that I will be missing tomorrow and the day after
finish my Japanese test for my JET Japanese book/get it ready to mail
make sure my "messages" to the seniors for their graduation is written and turned in
finish preparing a lesson plan for today's last class
walk home from school...
check in with Mari and Eiji
finish packing
use the restroom
All that, and I have approximately 5.5 hours before I'm out the door. At the risk of sounding incredibly dorky, I SO wish I had a time turner right now so I could give myself an extra 2 hours without any classes so I could just get "stuff" done! ARGH! Hey - maybe I should teach that word to my students? It might actually take most of the 50 minutes of class time to teach them when to use the word, and how to pronounce it...