out of hiding

Dec 19, 2007 16:57

Things have been so crazy I felt if I wrote the positive it wasn't reality - and the negative is enough to depress anyone.

but here goes

haven't started shopping but a few things
    the boys have no list, they want for nothing - of course some clothing as we just start out school w/basics
    golf clubs - grampa took care of those.  And they each need an item for hockey - want a x-box game and then that
    famous word "surprise me" - what exactly does that mean?  I got zach these recorder things he saw on tv that are
    now at rite-aid - and he loves to read or play games at night so I got him this light that hangs around your neck and
    you can adjust it, also from rite-aid.  Guess we've been getting lots of prescriptions!  I ran out of celexa - and you 
    know what, why should I have to?  If I feel better than I'm going to fill them happiness for $10.  The ativan has 
    come in quite handy lately.  Zach's inherited my migraines full force so we did the neurologist and eye doctor - 
    everything is fine except he's me, and me's not always fun.

Arthur has been coming to visit regularly on Tuesdays.  He is amazing, here he is blind and he's helping me to "be
    ok" he lost two of his sight holes last week, he has the retinal disease where the vessels die off.  We were talking 
    about my college course and like a ninkumpoop I said "you know in powerpoint the pages you use" he smiled his
    big smile and said "nope, Robin I dont use powerpoint"  he's got a great sense of humor.  I bought him a music
    card that played a jazzy christmas tune.  I told Zach I bought a card and he said "are you going to read it to him"
    and I told him no and he thought it was cool.  I got his driver Annie this betty crocker recipe mit and made the 
    recipe, certainly worth trying it was great!  Peanut brittle bars.  They gave me a ty beanie polar bear.  I have a 
    polar bear windchime.  And last year Rob bought me these animated reindeer and this big ole animated polar

The tree is up and is so beautiful.  I use only ornaments the boys made, and then we have our personalized 
    ornaments we've made or bought.  I did get these cute little starched doily angels a few yrs ago.  And I took
    apart a plastic pointsettia and stick the branches in the tree, just enough to make it beautiful when the lights
    aren't on.

Matt's back working at the rink with me - the exeter rink played head games. The problem is we just don't get 
    along as employees so it is quite stressful.  He still sees me as mom when I tell him to "clean the ladies room"
    He's been ok living at home so to speak.  Needs to stop eating in his room.  most of his clothes are still at my
    mom and dads.  His brothers aren't happy w/him home, I just told him he needs to be a part of the family and
     not bossy.

Mike and Melissa are still boyfriend/girlfriend but she's quite moody and often takes advantage of Mike.  Not sure
     where that comes from.  Rob is very much a stubborn person and he doesn't get told what to do.  They are 
     sweet.  First loves seldom last but I sure do wish they did at times.

Zach and the migraines he's missed like 6 days of school all but two excused w/doctor notes.  He has honors 
      except for one class, science but he's FINALLY making the effort to work w/this excentric teacher and his last
      test was a 88%!

Rob hates the holidays plain and simple.  We have Zach because 15 years ago he was very depressed on 
      Christmas. Zach was the best thing that could have happened, he finished the circle of our family.  But Robs
      feeling like a loser because of the economy!!  Who doesn't turn on the tv and hear mortgage crisis, gas prices
      building industry almost dead.  He feels like he's a loser and starting over.  He couldn't be farther from the truth!
      This is a man that chose for me to be a full-time stay at home mom 'cause our son was "missing" at a daycare
      he was only in 2 hours a day.  We sacrificed or should i say Rob did.  Working all sorts of stupid hours with
      numerous people.  Working for himself as well.  That man provided us a home we rented in Kensington, a home
      we rented in barnstead.  And built us a home in barnstead in 2002.  I cooked, cleaned, took care of school and
      the boys, chaufered them around and volunteered at school, but it was all rob.  He's not a quitter, he never goes
     without a job.  He is amazing in what he knows and does.  He get angry and hates to be used.  He's left a couple
     jobs but never without a back up plan.  So now we're struggling, who isn't!  He made a life change this week that
     will cut our health insurance from $1,360 a month to $360 and provide us with stability.  He is such a terrific
     provider.  He's worried so much about my health and my eyes.  I can't help but think if I didn't have this eye 
     disease that we wouldn't have lost jobs and be in this predikerment.  But who can say?  I saw a loving, caring 
     side of my husband that I had never seen until the vision went.  I wouldn't trade him for anything.  I forgave the
     ultimate betrayal because I know what a beautiful man he is.  A great role model to his sons.  A provider.  A 
     friend, and he has one heck of a way with customers.  I just hate when he says he's "worth more dead than
     alive"  what is money if you don't have someone to share it with?  When zach is out of high school we are selling
     this home and moving north, building our log cabin with a finished basement for the boys.  Mike and Zach will
     continue on to college.  But Rob and I are going to live a nice life.  He's working out of haverhill NH and it's god's
     country without moving too far from my parents.

My aunt died.  Francine is about 35 and samantha is 22.  My aunts son baby dennis died of SIDS, her first husband
      was working for the city and got run over after he fell of the back of a garbage truck.  She married this abusive
      loser and had Sam.  She ditched him and met Richard, he'd remind you of the ernest in the ernest series of
     movies.  He treated her like a queen - he died of throat cancer.  My aunt worked as a cook for a nursing home
     her whole life.  She dropped a can of vegetables on her foot and it damaged her so it had to be partially 
     amputated - she wanted to die but made it.  Then these sores started coming out all over her body.  And she
     couldn't breath.  She was given two years to live.  She made it through last christmas but not this one.  My mom
      is in Maine now, my dad and I will head up Friday.  But I'll leave the boys here.  Rob will have to work.  Life is
      so unfair.  There are so many people that take advantage of others, the system, lie, steal, kill and live forever.
      Where are the diseases for them?  I am so sad for my aunt.  But Mike and I pulled a surprise visit two months 
     ago.  Zach had  a hockey game in lewiston.  I knew my way to Wales.  So we went, we could only stay 15
     minutes.   But she loved it.  We brought her two bouquets of purple flowers (our favorite) she joked when Mike
     stepped on her oxygen line - pretending she couldn't breathe.

Life just seems so unfair right now.  We have our life - but it is such a struggle - a struggle I couldn't go through
      alone, but I just don't know how much longer I can be chipper - it has to get better.

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