My 2014 Yuletide letter

Oct 21, 2014 22:47

Dear mysterious Yuletide writer,

So we find ourselves here again. I think this is my seventh time at this rodeo and still this is as thrilling as ever. So to put your mind at ease, I do think I‘m easy to please (sorry, that wasn‘t supposed to rhyme). Of course I have ideas about the sort of stories I want. I mean, I kind of keep Yuletide in mind all year, wondering whether this or that obscure canon could provide a fic I‘d love to read. So I hope my prompts are inspiring and will provide a great writing experience for you.

Fandom: Looking
Characters: Patrick Murray and Kevin Matheson
Prompt: I find the dynamics of Patrick‘s and Kevin‘s attraction to each other and later, the relations they had, very intriguing. It‘s a power play for sure. I‘d love to see your interpretation of what is going to happen between the two of them, now they‘ve slept together.

Gosh, I fell so hard in love with Looking. And Patrick was quick to own a piece of my heart, probably due to the fact that he‘s so far from being perfect. I‘m very intrigued with his relationship with Kevin even though I‘m not sure what I think of it. I mean, there‘s almost dub-con elements to it when they had sex. Especially since Patrick bottomed which is something he‘d talked about not feeling too comfortable doing. So I guess he’s going to have feelings and reservations and I’m mighty interested in that.

Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Characters: Yuzuru Hanyu, Javier Fernández and Misha Ge.
Prompt: Training partners and best buddies, Yuzuru and Javier, are in love with each other but both think it‘s unrequited love, maybe due to the language barrier or other things. Misha, working the language barrier himself, realizes his friends‘ dilemma and decides to play a match-maker. An AU is very welcome.

I love figure skating. I mean, I‘ve been known to wake up in the middle of the night to watch skating competitions (ok, such craziness is reserved for things like the Olympics, Worlds and maybe the Grand Prix Final). I‘m a rather avid Yuzuru stan and I‘ve great fondness for Javier and Misha makes me smile. I love the bromance Yuzuru and Javier seem to have and I feel it has been beneficial for them to be skating at the same rink and sharing a coach. I also love their general adorableness.

Now, I‘d love to see some angst in this fic. Yuzuru/Javier fics tend to be rather sweet and fluffy but I like to see some actual angst over the unrequired element. Also if you are writing a non-AU and are up for it, I‘d think some acknowledgement of the latent homophobia in figure skating would an interesting element. (See this article and also this one).

Fandom: Drop the Dead Donkey
Characters: Dave Charnley and Gus Hedges
Prompt: Gus‘ dungeon nightmare/fantasy from season two comes true.

Realistically Gus would be pretty traumatized by his nightmare which isn’t surprising given his dislike for physical intimacy. I can’t see Dave actually forcing himself on Gus or anything like that but I can see some ridiculous series of events lead up to the scenario taking place. Now, on the show this would be played out as something humorous and that’s one possible route to take the fic. A more realistic portrayal is also welcome plus including any of those who works at Globelink News.

Fandom: The Greenhouse - Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir
Characters: Arnljótur and Flóra Sól
Prompt: Love to see a fast-forward into the future and what you‘d think Arnljótur‘s relationship with his daughter would be when she‘s at least ten-twelve years old. Loved to see this written vignette style.

I realize that a lot of the novel can be read as a metaphor but I really enjoyed it straight-up. I loved the characterization of Arnljótur and while she was quite preconscious, I liked Flóra Sól the infant a lot which surprised me as I generally dislike children in fiction where the protagonist is an adult. Anyway, dear writer, should this be the prompt that matched your offer, I kind of leave this one up to you a lot. What’s your take?

Generally, I’m a reader of all genres but romance is probably my favorite, especially the racier sort. I like all kinds of kinky stuff but what I like most of all is realistic sex and plenty of emotion and feelings. Humor is awesome and I love dialogue and communication. I do love my angst and misunderstanding and character-driven plot tension.

While I do read dark fic, I’m quite picky about it and I like to be in control of such reading experiences. So I advise you not to go very dark. As for the dislikes, well, I only have one hard squick and that’s bloodplay. Also, while I do love kinks, I like to have some control over when I read most of the hard kinks. But still I’d rather like that you, the writer, write what’s right for the story, if you know what I mean.

Dear writer, what I want the most, is that you have a lovely Yuletide experience and write a story you want to write. I’m looking forward to whatever you might want to write for me. Should you have any questions, you could try to ask sarka or vanessawolfie. They are quite familiar with me and my likes and dislikes. Also, here’s my tumblr in case that will be of help for you.

I wish you the best of Yuletides.

Yours etc.



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