Stop. Meme time.
1. Leave a comment to this post!
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Post the names of five fictional characters whose names begin with that letter, and your thoughts on each. The characters can be from books, movies, or TV shows.
vanessawolfie, the evil genius she is, gave me the letter I.
Ian Gallagher (Shameless US)
Originally touted as the anti-Kurt Hummel, this young man has proved that he's more like Kurt than not. He has a tender heart and doesn't have the same tendency as his older brother to pretend he's unaffected by all the crap surrounding him. That is one of the reasons why I think it's curious why he wants to join the military but then again, that institution might offer things he can't find within his family and environment. I'm also intrigued by how the show always shows him topping in his sexual encounters. While we got quite a bit of Ian in the latest Shameless episode, I want more insights into him. More Ian!
Ingrid Lind av Isfolket (Sagaen om Isfolket)
Ingrid is one of these characters who never lived up to their potential. I think it is because at the time Margit Sandemo wrote Ingrid, she wasn't ready to commit to write another truly Sol-like character (she finally managed to do that with Tula) so poor Ingrid was left lukewarm and all we got, was being told how beautiful she was and temperamental. Her story never mounted to much.
Irmelin Meiden (Sagaen om Isfolket)
Despite not being "chosen" like her Isfolket peers, Irmelin intrigues me. Especially since at one point the family worries more about her relationship with Niklas than they worry about Villemo and all her troubles. As much as I like Villemo's story, I would have loved to get more insight into Irmelin and her quiet desperation.
Ogami Itto (Lone Wolf and Cub)
(Itto is his given name). I love Lone Wolf and Cub, it's my favorite manga, maybe because it reminds me of Njála or something. There's something so compelling about Itto's journey on the meifumado and his incredible tenacity.
Igor Karkaroff (Harry Potter)
God, Karkaroff is one of these characters you mostly find pathetic and little more. He certainly wasn't made from the good stuff, just cowardice.