Dear Yuletide Author

Nov 13, 2010 14:27

Hello little Yule goat!

It's my sincere wish that my prompts are inspiring to you and that they aren't causing you to *headdesk* or anything. However, if my prompts may indirectly caused any serious damage to your furniture, I'm willing to offer you reparations though I can't really help my fic urges. Now, for the prompts:

1. Margit Sandemo - The Legend of the Ice People (Sagaen om Isfolket)
The prompt: I would love to get Isfolket slash and particularly I'd love Dominic/Niklas slash (all that waiting for Villemo and Irmelin, eh?) but if there's any other pairing you would like to try, then please do. Now if slash isn't your thing, I'm happy with everything and Ice People gen would make me extremely happy.

When I saw that someone had nominated the Legend of the Ice People who wasn't me, I was overjoyed. I tried in vain to read the little there is of Isfolket fanfic in Swedish and Norwegian but gave up (I originally read the books in Icelandic though I did go through some of volumes of Lysets rike in Norwegian). And I've been wanting some Isfolket-related guy-on-guy action for a long time (I totally shipped Marco/Dolg in canon when I read Lysets rike). Margit Sandemo herself seems a bit old-fashioned in her views on homosexuality and then she has written these heterosexual relationship which tend to reach into the after-life (nothing wrong with that, I've quite many Isfolket OTPs). I'm not going to lie, I've been kind of obsessed with the idea of Dominic/Niklas lately but if that's not rocking your boat, dear yule goat, feel free writing something gen or het or whatever. I will be ecstatic.

2. Figure Skating RPF
The prompt: What I would love beyond everything else, is a good, solid ensemble fic with Johnny or Stéphane or Adam as the emotional center of the story ('cause they are my favorites). Please keep all mentions of Patrick Chan to the minimum.

Yes, I'm one of those irritating people who got into figure skating big time around Olympics in February. Yes, I fell in love with Johnny Weir and then Stéphane Lambiel and then when Worlds crawled around and I still hadn't shaken the skating bug, I fell hard for Adam Rippon. But my heart is big and there are many skaters dear to it so I love it when figure skating RPF fics include a lot of skaters. Except Patrick Chan whom I have some sort of irrational hatred for because dude, he's not the only figure skater ever to benefit from overblown scores and there are definitely worse skaters than him out there. I just don't like him and don't want him in my fics. You can keep things romantic or not, it's all up to your discretion. Just write what feels right for you and I'll be the luckiest Yuletide recipient this year.

3. Ten Inch Hero
The prompt: I'd love to get Priestly/Tish break-up sex fic. I loved their chemistry in the film but I don't really see that their relationship would be a long-lived one. But if you are feeling very OTP, just write me a lovely fic about them and make it all about how they smoulder and crackle.

Yeah, pretty much what it says on the label. I don't have much to add to that except well, the reason why I don't think they'd ever survive as a couple in the long term is that Priestly had to change too much for Tish and I don't think that's fair at all.

Now about my general likes when it comes to fics. I have a rec list on Delicious for you to check out and I like all kinds though of course I do tend to like it on the explicit side but I'm not adverse to the lower ratings. If you potentially matched up with me on figure skating RPF, then you probably were in great luck as I've been reading quite heavily there so you should get a pretty clear view of my tastes there. But in all honesty, I'm easy to please. I like most genres and writing styles and such. Write what you want.

I do have dislikes and I have to mention my ultimate squick first. I don't like bloodplay (except in the rare vampire fic) so I'd advise you keep that out. Also if including non-con, please step lightly. It's not a squick or a trigger or anything like that. I'm just not all that into it. Also kidfic isn't something I seek out. I deal with kids in my job and I tend to pick away at the characterization in kidfics. Nobody wants that, do they?

But overall, dear yule goat, I'm going to be so happy with whatever you are going to write for me. Things made with love and care make the greatest yuletide gifts and that's all I want.

Lots of love,

yuletide, fan fiction, fandom

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