Gosh, I can't wait for season five on DVD just so I can watch this episode with subtitles because I know I missed some delightful quips. I think I'll never get over "Well, sounds like you've got him all nice and fluffed." I need that on an icon right now.
This was one of these episodes that they had to bring out a great writer from the team or otherwise the show had tanked because in essence that was way too much tell of Sam's (and Brady's) backstory (and not enough show) for it really to work on a television episode. I can just see how heavy-handed it could have been (not that it wasn't a bit heavy handed but it could have been so much worse).
Crowley has definitely earn his position as my favourite SPN demon ever. I think it's more that he's played by Mark Sheppard than anything else. SPN should have realised this earlier and brought Mark Sheppard in as Ruby or something (and I say this as someone who like both Katie!Ruby and Genevieve!Ruby) but then the show might have started revolving around Crowley and not Sam and Dean. Because Mark Sheppard is just an epic scene stealer.
I don't know, I thought Dean would be more badass and like the con-man he is (even though the con he thought was planned, was a foil) when he was dealing with Brady. But I suppose they had to show Brady being a badass demon.
Also I predict at least one or two Sam/Brady fics soon. The fact that Sam was trying to keep his friend on the straight and narrow back in college, seems like the basis for a good Stanford era fic.
Seems like the writers are going to do their best with the whole four rings of power to entrap Lucifer shtick - well, it's either to play it like they are doing or to go full camp on it - a whole "rings of power are go!" and care bear stares and unicorns thing.
But yeah, let's finish with an oh Bobby.