We have sacrificed so much

Nov 22, 2009 00:05

I totally started writing this epic meta post about death in Supernatural, inspired by 5.10 but I gave upon that. Lost the point almost immediately.

I'm not entirely sure if I'm all too comfortable to see Ellen and Jo go out like suicide bombers. I don't think the writers meant it to be read like that. It's more that they wanted to amp up the "shit just got serious" element (kind of ironic when the shit is always serious on SPN) and probably didn't think about the fact that not only did Jo offer to die detonating the bombs but also the bombs contained nails which are a common component of suicide bombs in RL.

'Cause you know, while the show is all steeped in Judeo-Christian mythology, it's pretty non-reglious and has pretty much managed to steer away from religious and political commentary. But this suicide bombing thing kind of veered too close for me.

Honestly though, before Ellen's and Jo's appearance in 5.02, I thought we had seen the last of them and that their storylines would be pretty incomplete. The last we saw of Jo before that, was in Born Under a Bad Sign and Ellen in All Hell Breaks Loose II. Their storylines seemed just have fizzled out but I kind of admire TPTB for bringing them back even though it kind of was to leave them to become cannon fodder. I have to admit that they also did the best they could to tie off the Dean/Jo thing that was so haphazardly aborted in season 2. Not that I ever was a Dean/Jo shipper but I've seen better back paddling from a TV romance in soaps.

Supernatural doesn't have the best track records ever with its female characters. Personally I'd take their female characters and their untimely deaths over a lot of other female characters on TV. But that's a subject for another post.

I'll end this post with a small observation. I kind of want to have Ben Edlund's child for having the first gay kiss in Supernatural between Mark Sheppard (who was over-all awesome as I knew he'd be) and some old banker dude.

me, fandom, supernatural, tv-shows

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