Master Post -
Art Post Notes: Not to act coy like my Jensen or anything but this is my first venture into writing CWRPS and it was scary but fun ride. I had to do a lot of research since I've never stepped a foot on US soil. I do hope it has paid off but don't hesitate to tell me if I'm getting things that relate to culture, geography and things like that wrong. Like even Sam Winchester would admit, research only gets you this far.
I suppose some of you may have recognised the oil company Jensen was working for and yeah, it's a
Dallas reference.
Acknowledgements: First of all, go and tell my awesome artist
tipitina just how awesome she is.
Her art is simply amazing. I can't stop looking at it. She did such a fantastic job. Plus she was great to work with. I couldn't have been luckier.
Then there's
sarka, super-beta and general hand holder. I would have probably given up on the fic if she hadn't encouraged me. Everyone should have a
sarka. *squishes her* Also any remaining errors are all mine.
And last but not least, my hat off to
thehighwaywoman and
audrarose for running
spn_j2_bigbang so well and make it such a brilliant challenge.
Cover art by
tipitina and it's gorgeous!
Soundtrack - download all the songs.
(Notes on the soundtrack: I could also have simply uploaded Franz Ferdinand's album Tonight as I listened to it quite a lot while writing. But the songs on the soundtrack, all songs I listen to a lot, reflect the fic better.)