Birthdays! I love Birthdays!

Sep 29, 2005 01:06

I'm feeling extra creative because of all these birthdays or something.


A drabble

Ron was his. He was his when Harry took Ron's cock in his mouth. Ron was his when Harry felt his knobbly knees rub against the sheets as Ron slammed into him again and again. He was his when Harry stared into Ron's blue eyes as he came inside him.

Ron was also his when they fought about Quidditch and Harry deliberately got Ron into defending the Chudley Cannons in a loud voice.

Ron was his when he stood at his side, fighting half a dozen Death Eaters.

Ron was his when Harry gently pushed the red fringe from his sweaty forehead as he was burning up with fever.

There were no slips of ownership, they didn't need them. Belonging to each other was simply a law of nature.

The Happiest of Birthdays to the awesome snoopypez!

birthdays, my writing, my fan art

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