
May 09, 2017 16:35

I surprised myself greatly by sleeping 12 hours last night. I awakened at 8 a.m. because a friend texted me. I dragged myself out of bed, fed the critters, and went back to bed for 2 more hours. It was great. I just do not get enough sleep.

Yesterday when Mr. P was at day care, I got a tremendous amount of yard work done. I think I even did some yard work for my next door neighbor, the boundary line not being entirely clear.

I do not have any lawn. Just wood chips. And lots and lots of plants. The wood chips break down and add to the fertility of the soil.

Yesterday I was spreading wine cap stropharia spawn around in the wood chips. Stropharia are an edible mushroom similar to portabellas. I did the spawn the first year I sheet mulched my garden and topped it off with wood chips. That initial inoculation 6 years ago yielded so many mushrooms! But it seemed to me that the whole thing needed to be renewed.

I think I'll just stick to inoculating the front yard because the back yard is now Pluto land. I have a small part fenced off for some special plants back there and I grow a few things in big pots. No tomatoes this year though because Pluto loves tomatoes and would just eat them off the vine. Weirdo.

I have a small shade garden with woodland plants but Pluto has pretty much trashed some of them in his constant pursuit of the blonde squirrel that taunts him daily. I dug up some May apples, woodland strawberries, and a black cohosh and gave them to my neighbor, who is establishing a sweet little woodland shade garden on her terrace.

I also drained and refilled my hot tub yesterday. I will be excited when the thing is good and hot again. Maybe tonight?

Long rambling story short, I worked my large ass off yesterday and that plus the hard work on the weekend resulted in the 12 hour sleep.

Following are some poppy pictures. Can you blame me for growing these things?

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